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namjoon sighed softly while leaning his head back on the back of the car seat. it had been 2 days since seokjin had read any of his messages. he really wanted to see the older in hopes of reconciling with him. the last thing he was going to do was lose seokjin. he couldn't do that.

he stepped out of his car and made his way into coffeehouse, though technically he wasn't supposed to be there. a part of him wanted seokjin to be in there when he walked in the other part was hoping he wasn't. he stepped in and was caught off-guard when he heard arguing. usually coffeehouse was a calming place, a few customers in there usually working on their computers, couples in the back feeding each other, and a person or two chatting at the counter with whichever barista was there.

instead a tall male with raven black hair stood at the counter arguing down jaehwan. every other customer stared silently at the two as they argued. no one knew what to do, they never seen any barista at coffeehouse get so mad with a customer just trying to get a pick-me-up.

"you're not supposed to be here. how many times do i have to say that?" jaehwan said, pointing his finger in the males face then pointing towards the doors.

"the fuck you mean i'm not supposed to be here. last time i checked i was a paying customer." the male said, namjoon rolled his eyes, he was supposed to be in and out, not watching some childish customer get mad. he sighed and checked the time on his watch, he needed to be at the warehouse in 30 minutes, he was going to be late if whoever this person was didn't hurry up.

"just fucking leave, you know why you're not allowed here."

"why am i not allowed here? because i had a relationship with seokjin at one point, we broke up. how childish can you be to stop me from coming here because we broke up?" the male said loudly. namjoon perked up at this, they had a relationship? namjoon walked up to the counter earning jaehwan's attention.

the barista looked between the two men and silently thanked god that seokjin had left earlier. it would not be pretty if both namjoon and chanyeol were here right now.

namjoon looked over at the male, and just like the pictures sent in from chief jeon, the male had a yin-yang symbol sitting right at the bend of his elbow.

"i think it'll be best if you just left." namjoon said to the male, chanyeol turned towards the voice and smirked.

"rm, you lucky boss wants you alive, i could kill you right now." chanyeol spat in the males face.

"i can kill you right here right now, don't play with your life in here." namjoon said, slightly lifting his shirt revealing the gun he always kept handy on him. chanyeol looked down realizing the man was actually serious. he nodded and backed away.

"alright i got yo' ass. i'll make your life a living hell, keep playing with me." namjoon rolled his eyes at the man who had backed up completely.

"try it if you want to, you don't know who you're fucking with." namjoon stated while turning towards jaehwan who stood awkwardly at the counter.

"thank you." jaehwan said, namjoon nodded his head while pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.

"caramel macchiato." was all namjoon replied with. jaehwan rung his drink up and immediately got to making it. and within 5 minutes namjoon was back in his car sipping away and on his way to the warehouse. he pulled up to the warehouse and walked into the building. his men were working diligently, packaging different drugs and putting them in their correct places.

he made his way to his office where he sat down in front of some dingy looking kid who obviously had some type of drug problem. namjoon just looked at the male, torn clothes, dirty hair, broken teeth. he was obviously young, maybe jungkook's age or younger.

"rm, i-i'll have your m-money soon. can i-i get another fix, i j-just need something to keep me g-going ya'know." the male said while rubbing at his arm. namjoon shook his head, he felt nothing for this person in front of him, they did this to themselves.

"i think i've been to nice with you. you've used up all your time, so either you have my money in by next week or that's the end of your days." namjoon spoke while picking up the gun that sat carelessly on his desk. the male nodded his head knowing that his days were now numbered, yet he didn't care. being sober and dead was probably better than being high and alive, at least this time it won't end with him waking up and having to push on another day.

"o-okay, i'll have your money." he said while standing, namjoon watched the boy leave the room and groaned to himself. it wouldn't be the first time he had to kill behind his money, he knew that he'd most likely be killing him soon.

just as quickly as the door shut, it opened again, this time jackson being the one walking in. he was finally back on his feet, happily, he just couldn't do too much work. the painkillers he was on left him really woozy and out of it and namjoon would rather not see the boy in that state.

"shouldn't you be at home resting?" namjoon questioned, jackson shrugged softly before taking a seat in one of the chairs provided.

"i should but i just keep worrying about something." jackson says, eyeing namjoon. "what if something goes wrong with wooyoung. he's really powerful and i highly doubt killing a few of his men will get him to stop."

namjoon nodded thinking over jackson's words, he was right. though he had a plan, a way to get the male to stop everything he's doing. no matter the circumstances, namjoon was not going to allow himself to be bumped down and lose his power.

"you're right, but you do have to realize who we are. we had altercations with wooyoung before that ended in mob wars and deaths for countless of people, still in the end who came out on top?"

jackson nodded his head while looking at his boss. namjoon was right, he was right about a lot of things. he trusted this man with his everything, if namjoon says they'll rise victorious in the end then he believed him.

"another thing, i need you to get a few of your men to follow chanyeol around for a while. he showed up at seokjin's job today and i can't let that happen again."...

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