The Investigation (Part 2)

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While you were riding on your motorcycle with Blake and Sun you thought about how Yang asked if your brother Adam could be at the White Fang gathering. The thought troubled you. You wanted to confront your brother but at the same time, you were afraid of how he would react if he saw you again. You started to remember a time in the White Fang when you and your brother weren't enemies.

*Flashback to three years ago. You and your brother were still in the White Fang at the time.*

You and your brother were attacking a Schnee Dust Company trade vessel.

You and your brother were able to hold your own. You both did your best to avoid killing them because Adam promised Blake at the time that he wouldn't kill during this mission. But the battle was getting heated up now. While you were busy fighting off a few of the mercenaries another one of the mercenaries attempted to attack you from behind with his revolver. Adam then used his semblance to cut them down from a distance before they could reach you. You were shocked at the fact Adam broke his promise but you shrugged it off in the heat of the moment and you and your brother went back to fighting off the mercenaries. You and your brother were able to successfully fight them off and made off with several crates of dust. Once you got back to town you decided to confront your brother.

Adam: These should be enough to help protect against grimm for a few days.

y/n: Adam. You promised Blake you wouldn't kill anyone.

Adam looked at you with a serious face.

Adam: I know. But we also promised mom that we were gonna protect each other. So, if I need to kill in order to do that then I will.

You knew Adam was right you and he both promised your mother that you would protect each other. But you still felt it was wrong for your brother to kill that mercenary.

y/n: I know Adam. But I still don't think it was right. No one was supposed to die in this mission.

Adam: y/n. I killed that guy to protect you. The last thing I would want is to let my brother get killed.

Adam put his hand on your shoulder to comfort you while he took off his mask revealing the branding on the left side of his face and his hazel eye on the left. (Making his eyes hazel so he seems more related to the reader.)

Adam: That's what brothers are there for, y/n. To be there for each other no matter how hard things get.

*Return to the present day.*

While you were lost in thought you were snapped back to reality by Blake yelling at you from the sidecar.

Blake: y/n! Stop!

You realized you were about to run a red light so you hit the brakes and managed to stop at the edge of the intersection. You saw as the traffic drove across the intersection in front of you. Had you stopped a second later you would have crashed into the traffic. You sighed a breath of relief before Blake started yelling again.

Blake: y/n! What's wrong!?

You didn't want to tell Blake about you being worried about seeing your brother again.

y/n: Nothing!

Blake: I know when your hiding things y/n.

Sun: Hey! Let's all calm down here.

Sun patted you on the shoulder.

Sun: Hey man I know that you're troubled about something.

The light changed to green as you began to drive again. You let out a frustrated sigh.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now