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It's been a couple of days since you and your team went on your investigation. You were still troubled at the fact that your brother could be in harm's way while the White Fang was working with Torchwick and Blake was worried sick that more people might be getting hurt as well. The both of you agreed to start searching online for news articles that might lead you to the White Fang. You've both been searching for things that had to do with White Fang attacks but unfortunately, you didn't find anything new. You both even tried to look for any dust robberies but none seemed to have happened lately. You and Blake both started to stay up late at night desperate to find something new but things seemed to have calmed down with the White Fang. The stress was starting to get to you so you began to work out at the gym a lot more. It was an outlet for your frustrations that was instilled into you when General Ironwood brought you to Atlas Academy. But you began to overwork yourself and with your combined exhaustion and sleep deprivation you were fatigued.

It was now Professor Goodwitch's combat class Pyrrha was fighting all of team CRDL. You sat between Blake and Yang  You were still very tired and it was difficult for you to keep your eyes open. Blake was obsessively reading her book while the fight was going on. You saw Pyrrha was fighting very well. She seemed untouchable but you missed most of the fight because you were falling asleep only to be woken up by the sound of gunshots and metal clashing from below.

Yang: Babe. Are you alright?

You almost didn't notice Yang.

y/n: Hmph? Oh yeah. I'm fine.

Yang: I can see the bags under your eyes.

y/n: Yang. I'm fine really.

Yang seemed a little hurt by you brushing off her concern. She then let out a frustrated sigh and looked back at the fight.

Yang: Fine.

You saw the fight conclude with Pyrrha driving Cardin into the ground and getting knocked away as Pyrrha kicked him away. 

Professor Goodwitch: And that's the match.

Cardin grunted in pain.

Cardin: Lucky Shot.

Cardin collapsed on the floor. 

Professor Goodwitch: Well done Ms. Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament.

Pyrrha: Thank you, professor.

Professor Goodwitch: Alright. I know that's a tough act to follow. But we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers

You began to fall asleep but woke up again to the sound of Professor Goodwitch raising her voice.

Professor Goodwitch: MR. TAURUS!

You looked down to see Professor Goodwitch with an angry look on her face.

Professor Goodwitch: Are you still struggling with your sleeping habits?

y/n: Uh... No. I'm fine. 

Professor Goodwitch glared at you for a moment. 

Professor Goodwitch: I need to speak with you after class.

Some of the other classmates began to laugh at you.

Professor Goodwitch: Now, Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the last few classes. 

Blake looked to the side nervously.

Professor Goodwitch: Why don't you-

You then heard the exchange student Mercury speak up suddenly. He and his teammates Emerald and Cinder introduced themselves to you not long ago.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now