Best friends

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Angelica's POV-
*wakes up* *yawns* "ughhh school" I say putting my slippers on. While I was changing I heard the door bell ring "oh that must be Jocelyn" I said running downstairs. "Hey jocey" I said opening the door I always say that for her nick name "hey Angie so can I pick out my clothes now... Well your clothes?" She said. You guys probably are thinking what she means by pick out her clothes, well my clothes actually but she means that because her parents can't afford clothes for her so I let her borrow mine. "Yeah sure come in" while closing the door when she came in, so we went upstairs she got some high waisted shorts and a crop top that said styles with a butterfly "awh you look so perfect in that" I said "thanks but I'm sure you would look better its your clothes" she said. So for my outfit I put on 5sos pants with a crop top. So when we were waiting outside for Cameron (Dallas) to come pick us up Jocelyn looked at me and put one eyebrow up I didn't know what she ment by that but when I saw Cameron's car coming I saw Shawn (mendes)in there idek why he was in there but now I know why Jocelyn put her eyebrow up , it's because she knows I have a huge crush on Shawn.

Ok hey guys it's The author here! I just want to say I hope you liked this chapter I'll be posting whenever I'm not busy that will probably mean like everyday lol but yeah thanks for reading

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