Jan 1, 2022: Coming Up Next

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I find looking ahead in my writing life to be just as valuable as looking back, and posting about it publicly has proved to be a useful accountability and motivation tool whenever I'm tempted to procrastinate. And so, this is the second chapter in my end-of-year update on what's happening on my Wattpad profile and beyond: my writing goals for 2022.

This year, I plan to:

Finish, edit, and speed-post As the Crow Falls, my previously-mentioned Dark-Fantasy/Romance ace Cinderella retelling

Participate in Wattpad's Open Novella Contest, as usual, with at least one novella. I'm trying to keep it to just one given that I'll be back in school by mid-January, but I know myself, and don't trust myself in the slightest

Finish, edit, and speed-post Rocks Can Dance, my Sci-Fi Romance

Finish writing Song of the Deep and start the final book of its trilogy, Water Will Rise

Keep posting weekly with that trilogy

Submit anywhere from one to four books in the Wattys

Participate in all three NaNo events, with at least a 50k goal in each. And hopefully at least 100k in July!

Write another 500k over the full year, because I'm definitely not crazy at all

Keep writing and posting flash fiction. Do at least two flash-fic challenges like I did this year, where I write and post one ficlet a day for a month

Keep worldbuilding for my epic series, and resist the temptation to start plotting it before it's ready to be plotted

Write and post another Horror novella for Halloween, because that was far too much fun

Write any other spontaneous books that attack me mid-year

Continue to refine my writing craft, particularly around plot and scene structure. Get better at doing more developmental editing on my own

Delve further into my fringe genres—particularly Horror and Romance—to study and practice those I want to develop skills in

I spent a lot of 2021 on very short and very long projects, so most of what I finished was novellas. Some of that work on the long projects will start to pay off in 2022. I will still be throwing an enormous amount of words at them (like, 60% of my yearly wordcount goal 💀 ) but this year, those words will take me to the ends of projects instead of their halfway points! At which point I will spend an unholy amount of time editing, and then post to my heart's content.

On the non-writing front, I'm hoping to maintain semi-regular updates on this book this year, and to revive my currently on-hold Instagram account. I might not be able to accomplish the latter until I'm out of school again, but we shall see.

Here's to another productive year!

Here's to another productive year!

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