Chaos Lives Here

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Welcome to my profile! I know I said that in the blurb already, but it's worth saying again. If we haven't met yet, I'm August, also known as A.B. Channing, or @SmokeAndOranges if we want to get technical. I write books. I suppose that makes me an author, but I've never been much given to formalities.

I joined Wattpad in 2017, and if anyone knows who keeps stacking years onto that number, I would love to have a word with them. As my profile has grown, some particular challenges have arisen with it. Apparently it gets difficult to announce project updates or fit book summaries in your author bio when your book count passes twenty. Who knew?

Anyway, all that has led me to look for better ways to connect with the people who read my books. If that's you, hello!

This book is an administrative one. I plan to treat it a little like a newsletter and a little like a blog: updates will include progress reports on my ongoing projects (both on and offline), as well as announcements of new things I'm writing behind the scenes, challenges I've set for myself, and the occasional celebration. It's a place for me to post updates that wouldn't fit in a Wattpad announcement, or that I wouldn't want to bombard my followers with anyway. And I suppose it's also a peek into my offline writing life, which my posted books don't give much of a sense of. Pros and cons of writing everything offline before posting.

If any of that interests you, add this book to your library to get update notifications! One or two a month is probably a reasonable estimate of activity, so I promise I won't spam. You're also welcome to come follow me at SmokeAndOranges if you haven't already. A follow nets you notifications of announcements, new book launches, or just an easier way to find my profile, and if you know all that already, then I'm happy to be redundant here.

Last but not least, this book isn't the only place you can find information about my work. A summary of what I write can be found in my profile bio, along with an info doc containing my update schedule, quick synopses of all my books, and more. I'm also on Discord! Come join me in my corner of the Literary Lounge if you want to meet me in person (well, online, but you get what I mean); it's a server made for readers and authors to hang out and chat in a casual, comfortable setting, and I'm not the only author there. Links in the comments below:

Profile ➤

Info Doc ➤

Discord ➤

All right, that's my obligatory self-promotion. Onwards to updates! Aside from the Q&A, they are all chronological, so the last in the list will always be the most recent. 


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