Roundup: October 2022

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Current status and updates for all my active projects, both on and offline. For quick synopses of each of these books, check out my Wattpad info doc: it's linked in my profile bio and in the intro chapter of this book.

 For quick synopses of each of these books, check out my Wattpad info doc: it's linked in my profile bio and in the intro chapter of this book

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As the Crow Falls: Nothing to report, as tends to be the case with books that I write in full before posting. Complete offline, posting weekly!

Song of the Deep: Nothing to report. This book is headed for 200k words by completion, and its sequel is in the planning phase.

Red Rover: Submitted this spooky-happy chaos book to the spooktacular being run by a couple friends of mine in my main writing community, so it's got a bunch of Halloween-book friends now! I've also got a double update lined up for Halloween itself, which just so happens to take us to the midpoint of the book. It is a cliffhanger. You have been warned.

Can You Cook a Dragon (Flash Fiction Collection): Pretends not to see.

It's Cold Upstairs: HALLOWEEN NOVELLA 2022! I got steamrolled by a psychological Horror idea that hits pretty close to home, so now I'm five days in and already halfway through

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It's Cold Upstairs: HALLOWEEN NOVELLA 2022! I got steamrolled by a psychological Horror idea that hits pretty close to home, so now I'm five days in and already halfway through. To be fair, the book's another (very) short one, but I wasn't sure how I would like psych Horror when I started. The answer? I like it very much. This book will be speed-posted from October 19-31 because I can definitely do math, finishing on Halloween.

Rocks Can Dance: Underway once more! I'd love to have this one done by the end of the year, and recently had a revelation about its structure and writing style that has freed me to write it the way it wants to be written. It is, after all, basically a 160k-word White Crystal Butterflies fanfiction. I am not sorry.

Super Secret Mystery Project™ That Will Remain A Mystery Until Launch: I am starting to toy with the idea of sprinting this one for NaNo, which might be an objectively terrible idea, but hey, it's a good thing I never really care about such things! School might yet kick me in the ass and make this unfeasible, and I doubt I'll be able to finish both this and RCD this year, but a guy can dream, right? I might also use NaNo for RCD like a [more] sane person. Choices.

The Wall of Imanti: Chilling in a back seat and laughing at me while I corral four other WIPs.

The Wall of Imanti: Chilling in a back seat and laughing at me while I corral four other WIPs

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Hattu Empire Series (aka Desert Epic): See The Wall of Imanti above.

Water Will Rise: Book three of my Kels trilogy is verrrrry slowly starting to come together in my planning documents! I'd almost forgotten how complicated it was to write the capstone book of any series. Almost.

Y'all, what even happened to the rest of September? I can't remember

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Y'all, what even happened to the rest of September? I can't remember.

Anyway, I'm back in school, with two course to go before I graduate my Masters and return to the wonderful world of getting paid to do work instead of paying to do work. I love education, and it is a wonderful thing, and I am also ready to be done. So obviously, I'm biding my time by starting more books than I have hands and then acting surprised when I can't finish them all by 2023. I am nothing if not consistent.

It's a little wild to think that we're three-quarters of the way through the year already. I've been looking back at some of my goals lately, and I've done pretty well on most of them. Not so well on others. My yearly wordcount goal, at least, is still ahead of schedule. I'm also coming to realize how much my living situation has had a hand in my brain fog this year, so I'm looking forward to moving sometime this winter. With luck, the new place will have better lighting for taking and sharing pictures of cats.

(Looking at you, my void named Cypher)

As we head into the last three months of the year, there are a few things I'm looking forward to. One is Halloween, and all associated festivities. Another is NaNo, because I always love NaNo. Another is moving somewhere that won't have construction noise ten feet outside my bedroom window for 10-16 hours a day, 6 days a week, until 2024. I'm hoping to meet a few more of those writing goals, too, so here's to a productive home stretch! 🥂

 I'm hoping to meet a few more of those writing goals, too, so here's to a productive home stretch! 🥂

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