Roundup: April 2022

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Current status and updates for all my active projects, both on and offline. For quick synopses of each of these books, check out my Wattpad info doc: it's linked in my profile bio and in the intro chapter of this book.

Song of the Deep: We are BACK IN GEAR ON THIS ONE, FRIENDS! This book has been posting on a chapter buffer, but I've scarcely touched it since last November

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Song of the Deep: We are BACK IN GEAR ON THIS ONE, FRIENDS! This book has been posting on a chapter buffer, but I've scarcely touched it since last November. That changed this week. We've got secrets to reveal, prophecies to find, an a$$hole character to bring down, and so much more... the second half of April is blocked off in my schedule for this one, so that shrinking buffer ain't gonna be shrinking for much longer.

Can You Cook a Dragon (Flash Fiction Collection): May has filled up for me, so I'm now shooting for a new flash-fic challenge in June. I've also gotten very close to writing a few this month, though, so spontaneous bonus content for any books of mine (or just in general) might be a thing in April.

Thistle in the Sky: This one has been temporarily reduced to once-a-week updates. The truth is, it's been posting on buffer for a while, and I wanted that buffer to last a little longer as Song of the Deep and life things ate my brain in the latter half of March. It's only got seven chapters left, though, so I'll either return to twice weekly in the first half of April, or else stay weekly for a while longer and then speed-update before the final ONC deadline. All depends on my writing productivity over the next two weeks!

 All depends on my writing productivity over the next two weeks!

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As the Crow Falls: I wanna edit. Still sitting on my hands with this one, dammit. I've officially booked off the first half of May for it now, which means a late-May launch is a go. I still need a cover. It's fine. Everything's fine.

Rocks Can Dance: Still paused. The fun thing about having multiple works in progress (WIPs) is that you can bounce between them like a ping-pong ball. The fun(?) thing about being a semi-professional author is needing to focus in on one or two because you have output requirements and are made of chaos if left to your own devices. I'm probably just going to buckle down and sprint this one a bunch at some point. When? *Screeches incoherently.* I've got a yearly wordcount to make, though, so it will happen!

Super Secret Mystery Project™ That Will Remain A Mystery Until Launch: Sometimes you just want to write and not worry about fancy stuff like plot coherence or knowing where your book is going. While my ongoing trilogy is like this, it's also long as fuck (pardon my French) which gets tiring sometimes. More normal-sized novels bring more excitement on a short(er) timescale because they move fast, relatively speaking. So what's an author to do? Write both, of course! I'm enjoying myself with this one. No expectations, no problem 😆

Stormrunner: An unexpected turn has led me to a major decision on this book

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Stormrunner: An unexpected turn has led me to a major decision on this book. I'll make a post about it when it's no longer April Fool's day (and when I've had a chance to confirm and organize my thoughts), so stay tuned for that.

Hattu Empire Series (aka Desert Epic): I made no written progress on this in March, lol. You win some, you lose some! With that said, many of its major conflicts have been percolating in my brain, so it's not like nothing's happening. Sometimes writing progress just looks like thinking a lot—and that's okay. 

IT'S CAMP NANO TIME! More on that in its own update

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IT'S CAMP NANO TIME! More on that in its own update. I've also only got two weeks left in the semester, so I'm listening to epic sea shanties on repeat and plugging away at my last few projects as the finish line bears down. Life is chaos, but I'm actually okay? I feel like there's a point where enough things pile up that the work is inevitable and the whole thing just feels like freefall until it's over and you're done. I have reached that point.

I also have a very exciting writing-related life update! I'm currently working with a professional developmental-editor-in-training on one of my novellas—Belltower—and her feedback will be coming back in mid-April. This is the first time I've been through a formal editing process with any book of mine, and I can't wait. I plan to learn everything I can from the experience, and see how I can apply it to my writing going forward.

That's all for me today. More screaming in the next chapter. Cheers, all!

 Cheers, all!

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A sleepy Pinto

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A sleepy Pinto. He has a very boopable snoot!

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