Apr 1, 2022: Camp NaNo Let's Gooooooo!

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So, this is a thing you need to know about me, if you didn't already.

I love the NaNo months. And I mean love. They are catnip for my writing brain, and I write half my yearly wordcount across just the three of them.

The official National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is in November, but its two auxiliary "Camp NaNo" events in April and July have looser requirements perfectly suited to, well, anything I want to use them for. When I'm not in school, I like to crank my goal up to 100k or more for the personal challenge. It helps me build my chapter buffers, finish lingering WIPs, get back in gear on stalled ones, and all kinds of other fun things. I used last July's Camp NaNo to write eight months worth of Song of the Deep updates for the price of one, which is how I've had enough buffer chapters to tide me all the way through this school year.

I am in school right now, though, so I'm setting this month's goal to 50k, to be split between my four ongoing works in progress: Song of the Deep, Thistle in the Sky, Rocks Can Dance, and the mystery project I'm not telling anybody anything about until it launches. I suspect most of that will go to the fast-writing Song of the Deep, but about 10k will go to finishing Thistle in the Sky, and I'm not putting estimates on the other two! I might also beat 50k, of course, in which case I might up the ante and shoot for a 100k month if everything's going well. But that's no guarantee.

Either way, good luck to everyone participating in this Camp NaNo, whatever your goals! I will me over here cheering for you ✨

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