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It's been months since Yeonjun and Soobin have interacted with one another. It's like the beginning all over again. Soobin doing something dumb and Yeonjun blocking him out until he eventually comes back around.

Yeonbin's birthday passed a few weeks ago. It was the best birthday he could ask for, he was just sad Soobin wasn't there.

Soobin has tried so hard to fix things with Yeonjun. All of their friends have tried everything. They tired to get Yeonjun to at least hear him out but nothing worked.

Tonight they were fed up, Taehyun, Beomgyu, Kai, and Jiung are planning to take Yeonjun out to stop all of this sulking. No matter what he says.

Yeonjun was peacefully sitting on the couch eating mint choco ice cream when someone knocked on his door. "Go away!" Yeonjun yelled not knowing who it was. "No bitch open the door!" Kai yelled

Yeonjun got up with a groan and opened the door only to be dragged in his room by Taehyun. "Wha- what are you doing?" Yeonjun asked in disbelief.

"We're going out no matter what you say." Beomgyu said while Taehyun was looking through Yeonjuns closet, and Kai was starting on his hair and makeup.

After a lot of arguments and trying to get Yeonjun settled they were finally ready to go. (All outfits will be at the bottom.) "WAIT" Yeonjun suddenly yelled.

"WHAT?" Everyone yelled obviously annoyed. "Who's gonna pick Yeonbin up from school? Maybe I should just go get him and stay home tonight" Yeonjun said obviously trying to get out of going out.

"We alr called San and Wooyoung, he's with them you'll seen him in a few days" Beomgyu said dragging Yeonjun along with them.

Once they got to the club Kai immediately ran off to Jiung. Taehyun and Beomgyu took off to who knows where leaving Yeonjun all alone. Yeonjun decided to just get a drink.

Once Yeonjun sat down the bartender immediately approached him. "Hey beautiful what can I get for ya?" The bartender by the name of Seonghwa asked catching Yeonjuns attention.

"The least strongest thing you have" Yeonjun knew he would up being the one to drive everyone home so he didn't want to drink as much.

After talking to Seonghwa for a while he decided to go look for his friends. On the way to the dance floor Yeonjun bumped into someone not paying attention. "Omg I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Yeonjun said not looking up at the person for a while.

"It's okay Junnie" hearing that made Yeonjuns head snap up recognizing the nickname as Soobin was the only person who called him that. "Oh it's just you." Yeonjun said rolling his eyes. "Look I'm sorry for everything can you just hear me out?" Soobin asked with pleading eyes.

"Fine make it quick." Yeonjun sized wanting to get this over with. After Soobin explained everything to him, Yeonjun felt a little better from actually hearing him out.

"Jun you know I would never hurt you on purpose." Soobin said holding the pink haired males hand. "I know you wouldn't, I was just scared you would forget about me for her."  Yeonjun said looking down. "Oh god of course not Jun." Soobin said with a reassuring smile.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and flirting here and there of course. The two left the club after a while and went back to Yeonjuns apartment forgetting about his friends. Let's just say the two had a pretty fun night.

Sorry for taking so long to update. Also happy New Years!

Yeonjun's outfit

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