Happy birthday pt.2

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*Smut ahead*

Author POV
Soobin then pops from around the corner with a nice black suit on and a big teddy bear in his hands. He then starts to sing "Happy birthday by Stevie Wonder" while slowly walking towards Yeonjun.

Yeonjun on the other hand had dropped all his belongings and stood starstruck watching Soobin walk to him as his nice velvety voice serenades him.. Soobin then sits the bear down as he sung the last "Happy birthday to you" and grabbed Yeonjun hands to pull him close. They then started to have nice little sweet kiss while Jun was mumbling thank you.

The kiss so happened to start to get heated. Soobin pushed Yeonjun down onto the bed. Soobin started sucking on Yeonjuns neck already knowing where his soft spot is. "ahh~" Yeonjun softly moaned. Soobin always got hard at the sound of Yeonjuns moans.

Soobin slipped his hand under Yeonjuns shirt swiftly slipping it off along with the rest of his clothes. Soobin got off the bed to get lube, condoms, and handcuffs. Soobin made his way back to the bed and handcuffed Yeonjuns wrists to the bed. Yeonjun wasn't even paying attention to notice that Soobin had lubed up his fingers.

Soobin slowly pushed one finger in Yeonjuns hole causing his breath to hitch. Soobin was slowly thrusting his finger in and out watching the boy squirm under his touch. He added a second finger and started going faster and harder. "ahh fuck~" Yeonjun moaned loudly causing Soobin to smirk.

"w-want you, nghh" Yeonjun moaned out.  Soobin pulled out his fingers and held them up to Yeonjuns mouth. "Suck." Yeonjun immediately obeyed and started sucking Soobins fingers. While Yeonjun was sucking on his fingers, Soobin had already put on the condom and lubed up his dick.

"i w-want you to look at me while y-you fuck me" Yeonjun said after Soobin pulled out his fingers. "Of course angel." Soobin then slammed into Yeonjun. Thrusting in and out not giving Yeonjun time to adjust. "Fuckk, faster!" Soobin put Yeonjuns leg over his shoulder and started going faster and harder.

"AAH FUCK DADDY!" Yeonjun yelled when Soobin hit his prostate. "fuck baby i'm gonna cum" Soobin groaned out while stroking Yeonjuns dick.  "c-close fuck soo good!" The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping and moans. " FUCK YES! IM CUMMING, YES DADDY!" Yeonjun screamed as all his cum shot out in his and Soobins stomach. Hearing that caused Soobin to cum into the condom with a groan. After the two males both rode out their highs. Soobin pulled out and fell right next to Yeonjun who was already asleep.

Soobin took off the handcuffs and cleaned Yeonjun up. He slipped on some sweatpants and put one of his shirts on Yeonjun. Once he was done he kissed his forehead and hugged his waist falling asleep right next to him.

Sorry for not updating for so long, i got all my electronics taken away 😃. I might do a double update.

Random emoji: 📸

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