Chapter Five

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Dorian's POV :

I leaned backwards slightly, my back hitting the brick behind me. A cigarette sitting between my lips. I inhale slowly letting the smokey flavor fill my lungs before I puff it out. It's a bad habit and I know I should quit but it's addicting.

It's currently 4:30 in the morning. I know I should be asleep but my eyes would not close each time they did, my mind finds it's why back to a certain blonde-headed girl.

I pull the cigarette out of my mouth throwing it onto the ground, letting the heel of my boot smash it into the ground. Putting my hands into my pockets, I start to walk back to my apartment.

Why is this girl affecting me ? All she did was annoyed me at dinner. She was a shy little thing though. I smirk back at the memory of dinner. She got all flustered by me just looking at her.

I pushed the door open to my apartment before closing and locking it. I am just going to stay up no point of going to sleep if classes start in a few hours.

- - - - -

Dolly's POV :

I could hear my alarm go off beside me. I cuddled into Lola more, groaning. I don't want to get up, I want to sleep more. I was about to turn the other way and ignore my alarm but Zara threatened me.

"Girl if you don't shut that alarm off right now, I'm going to throw the damn thing out the window." I laugh softly at her threat. Slowly moving, I pressed the button on top of the alarm silencing it.

I pushed my body up stretching slightly. I pull the covers off my body. Quickly standing up and making my bed. I carefully place Lola in front of my pillows. Turning around, I grabbed my towel and I head towards the shower.

After the warm shower, I got ready. I don't really know what to wear so I reached for the first thing I saw. A blue silky dress pairing it with a blue plaid sweater. I threw on a pair of white slip ons.

I picked up my necklace, putting it around my neck. I took it off so it wouldn't get wet when I took a shower. I gently touched it, I could feel small tears gathering.

The necklace belong to my mother but she gave it to me before she passed. A small tear dribble down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, I refuse to cry.

I grabbed my bag and my phone. Zara told me she was riding with Easton so I didn't have to wait for her. I made my way towards campus plugging my headphones into my phone.

Soft music flowed out into my ears. I mostly listen to Harry Styles, The Neighborhood, and Lana Del Rey. I looked down at my schedule for this semester. I have two classes ;  U.S. History and American Literature. I grimaced at U.S. History. I sucked at history.

I slowly enter the main building. I take in my surroundings, there aren't a lot of people here yet. I quicken my pace towards my first class, I want to get in early.

I arrived to the class. I surveyed the room, the professor isn't here yet. I walk to the back of the class taking a seat at the very last table.

I start to pull out all my items that I will need. A pencil, notebook, and a piece of strawberry gum. The best flavor of gum, I would honestly despise someone if they disagree. Major red flag.

People start to fill into the class. I shrink back farther down into my seat, trying to make myself appear smaller. There's a lot of people here, most of them ignore me but some girls send me glares.  I haven't even done anything.

A small pout forms on my face at the thought of people already not liking me. My fingers wrapped around my wrist, snapping my hair tie.

I can feel myself getting anxious I turn my head looking out the window. I hear the once empty chair beside me scraping the floor. I really don't want to interact with any new people.

I slowly turn around, dreading to see who sat next to me but once I saw who it was, a timid smile formed on my face as well as a small blush.  It's Dorian ! I didn't know Dorian would be in this class.

" H-hi Dory. I didn't k-know you had this class."  My mood is slightly getting better now I have someone I know in this class.  Dorian turned to look at me before facing the front.  I frown a little when he didn't say anything back to me. Slightly shifting in my chair, I look away.

" Stop frowning doll, plus I didn't know I had this class either until 5 minutes ago." I glance back up to him, I could see his face. His pretty face. I started blushing slightly, I shouldn't think that he's my friend. I think he's my friend, I hope so.

" Oh, you're with m-me though so it's okay Dory."    I could see him slightly nod his head. I was about to ask if we're friends but the professor walked in. 

The next 30 minutes, we went over the syllabus and notes. The professor said we had a project due in two months, we also had to work with a partner. She sent us off to get into partners and start working on our projects for the rest of class.

My eyes followed along the groups of students moving around. I leaned back into seat, my hands slightly shook. No one came up to be partners with me, tears of embarrassment and hurt appeared along the lining of my eyes.

I was about to get up and ask the professor if I could work alone when a hand grabbed my arm pulling me back down softly.  I look over at Dorian in confusion.

" Stop your tears, Dolly. We are working together."    I shook my head softly, my hair moving with the motion. He only wants to be partners out of pity. He's not even my friend and I'm sure he wants to work with someone other than me.  

"N-no Dory. It's okay, you d-don't have to work with me. W-we aren't even friends and you probably want to work with s-someone else."    I look down at the floor, sliding my shoe back and forth across the floor.

Small tears fall slowly down my cheek, why do I have to cry? I'm so sensitive sometimes. All I want is to go back to my dorm to cuddle with Lola.

A hand gently gripped the sides of my face forcing me to look up. I meet Dorian's gaze, I try to look away but he doesn't let me. I can feel a blush blossoming.

" Listen to me doll, we are going to be partners and we are friends. So be a good girl for me and wipe those tears away."    My blush deepens at what he said. Small butterflies erupted in my tummy, why does he make me feel like this ? I quickly nod wanting to make him proud. 

"Well let's start working then, we only have 35 minutes left of class."    He turned around grabbing his bag getting out his computer.  I reach for my bag, zipping it open. I pulled out my small packet of gum. 

I turn to Dorian, tapping his shoulder getting his attention. I pull a piece of gum out. Offering him a piece.

"It's s-strawberry flavor. It's really good." I tried convincing when he looked unsure. He slowly took it out of my hand. I watch his reaction when he started chewing it.  He nodded once again, putting up a small thumbs up.  I started smiling knowing he liked it.

35 minutes had passed rather quickly. We gotten most research done for our project. We only have to do a little bit more. I smiled proudly looking at all the information we gotten down.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dorian writing on a small sticky note.  Curious, I leaned in to see what he was writing. He turned to me holding it out.

"Here's my number, we still need more information before we start the project. Text me when you're available and we can meet up and work on it."   I looked at him before I could give him a response, the professor dismissed us. I watched as Dorian quickly walked out.  

I turned back around packing up my items. I held the sticky note close to me, smiling softly. He gave me his number even if it was for the project I couldn't help the happy feeling bubbling up. I walked towards my next class with a bright smile painted on my face.

𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝓇ℯ𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝒹ℴ𝓁𝓁Where stories live. Discover now