Chapter Thirteen

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Dolly's POV:

It has been exactly two weeks since I went on the date with Dorian. I couldn't be more happier.

Eventually I had to tell Zara about our relationship. I thought she would be mad but it was actually quite the opposite.

She told me that she was happy for me. When I asked why she wasn't upset, it turns out she is dating Easton. I couldn't believe that !

She said it would be hypocritical for her to be mad at me since Dorian is okay with her dating his best friend.

I quicken my pace to my dorm as the October air nipped my skin, causing small goosebumps to appear along the sides of my arm.

A breath of relief escaped me as I enter the warm dorm. I really should've layered my clothing.

I saw Zara sitting on her bed along with Easton laying on top of her. An uncontrollable laugh left my throat as Zara smacked Easton on the head. She pushed him off before standing up.

Zara engulfed me in a gentle hug. I smiled at the affection I was receiving. I'm a sucker for hugs. 

"Sunshine can get hugs but I can't get cuddles?" I looked behind Zara at a pouting Easton. I smiled lightly before sticking my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes at me before dramatically falling back onto bed.

"She loves m-me more."  I softly laughed before pulling away from Zara.

"Are you ready for tonight?"     I nodded my head slowly. I was not ready for tonight, honestly I'm a little scared. I watch as Zara waved her hand at me slightly.

"Don't be worrying. My parents will love you, plus you already met my mom." I gave her an unconvinced look. I wish I could believe her but I want all her family to like me, not just her mom.

"We have about an hour before we leave. Dorian said that y'all would be riding together in his car."      I quickly agreed with her. Dorian did mention that in class today, he also said something about spending the night again.

A smile spread across my lips at the thought. I can't wait! I grabbed all my essentials before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

I decided to wear a white dress that was intricate with small purple flowers. I pulled my hair back with a lavender colored ribbon, tying it.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Do I look presentable ? Maybe I should change? I check the time on my phone. I have 5 minutes before Dorian will be here. I decided against changing my clothes.

I quickly applied a little bit of lip gloss before stepping out of the bathroom, I was so focus on getting my shoes on, I didn't even notice the large figure sitting on my bed.

I jumped a little when I heard a familiar voice. I quickly turned around, placing my hand on my chest. I huffed out a breath of annoyance.

"You s-scared me. I literally almost had a heart attack." I whined softly as I approach Dorian. I wrapped my arms around him before snuggling my face into his chest.

After a couple minutes, I pulled away from his embrace. I took a couple steps backwards before slowly twirling.

"Do I l-look pretty?" I hesitantly asked. I really hoped I didn't look bad. I watched as Dorian eyes scanned my body from head to toe. I shifted my weight on the heels of my feet. He is making me nervous with all the staring.

"You look absolutely ravishing. Don't doubt yourself, okay? You're my pretty doll." I could feel my face heating up from his words. I looked at him for a split second before turning my eyes away.

"You l-look yummy too Dory." I mumbled out. My eyes widen automatically at the words that manage to escape my mouth. A deep laugh filled the room, I glared at Dorian as I crossed my arms.

"Stop laughing at me." Dorian stood up before walking towards me. He leaned down slightly before placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"You are so adorable." I blushed again as I turned away. I grabbed my bag that I packed since I was spending the night.

I looked at my bed, Lola sat in front of my pillows. I really want to take her but I don't want Dorian thinking I'm a baby.

I decided that it was too embarrassing to take her with me. I headed towards the door where Dorian was standing. He looked at me for a moment before he looked behind me.

I watched as Dorian walked towards my bed before gently picking up Lola. I blushed as Dorian approach me.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, I told you that it's perfectly fine to have a comfort item." I nodded slowly. I watched as Dorian held Lola out to me. I grabbed her before holding her to my chest. I smiled gratefully at him.

"Her n-name is Lola." I quietly mumbled out as we both made our way towards Dorian's car. Dorian looked down at my stuffed bunny before a small smile appeared on his face.

"That's a cute name, it fits her." I quickly nodded, agreeing with him.

We made it to his car before I climbed into the passenger seat while Dorian was putting my bag in the trunk.

Soft music filled the car. I glanced at Dorian before looking out the window. I'm nervous. What if his parents don't actually like me? Would Dorian leave me ?

Without noticing my fingers wrapped around my wrist, snapping the small hair tie situated on top. My skin slowly appearing red and agitated.

"Dolly.. Stop that. You're hurting yourself." I mumbled out a tiny apology. I need to stop overthinking. I already made Dorian upset with me.

"I'm s-sorry Dory. Please don't be mad, I'm just really nervous about meeting your parents." I heard a soft sigh coming from across the car however I didn't even dare to look at Dorian.

After a couple more minutes of driving, we finally rolled to an stop. I quickly looked out the window. A two-story house was situated in the middle of a small clearing, tiny stones lead up to the entrance.

I was so distracted with admiring the house that I didn't even notice Dorian had already left the car.

He opened my door slowly, I watch as he grabbed my hand. His fingers smoothing over the agitated skin.

"I'm s-sorry." I glanced up at him. He shook his head slightly.

"Don't apologize for your emotions. I'm not mad at you. I know you are nervous but my parents will love you. I promise."

I nodded at his words before wrapping my arms around him. I really just need a hug.

"Okay, I trust y-you Dory and I promise to be on my best behavior." I mumbled out against his chest. I glanced up at him before stepping away.

"Oh I know you will because you are my good girl, yeah?" I could feel a blush appearing, butterflies formed in my stomach at the small praise. Dorian's lips formed into a smirk.

Dorian stepped forward towards me, leaning down. My breathing hitched as he placed small kisses on the side of my jaw before he nipped the side of my ear. A small whimper escaped me from the sensation.

"So responsive. I barely even touched you." Dorian gave me another kiss before leaning back to his full height.

"S-shut up." I mumbled out before quickly turning away. It's his fault that he makes me feel this way.

"Don't get all shy on me now doll." I defended myself by saying that I'm not shy but Dorian rolled his eyes at me before grabbing my hand, leading me towards the entrance of the house.

I inhaled a reassuring breath. I don't know if I can do this. I was thinking about running away but it's too late when the door suddenly opened.

"Welcome home, son. I've missed you."

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