Chapter 6 - A simple explanation

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A/N Hello to the few people who are reading this!! Sorry this hasn't been updated, I've been working on some other story ideas...

*Third Person POV*

Tommy was already on his way over to Phil's house by the time the sun was rising. He was already up because he wanted to stretch his wings before anyone else woke up. When he arrived at Phil's house, he was immediately rushed in by Techno who was overly excited for an explanation. 

"Well, can I please have an explanation?"  Techno requests. "Fine. Basically I'm a god who was stripped of his powers for reasons that won't be named. I'm the god of chaos, and have been since I was born. I do have wings, and I can communicate with animals." Tommy said in one breath.

"Woah, slow down mate. I've got great hearing and even I couldn't understand a word you said." Phil chuckled.

Tommy sighed. "I'm the god of chaos. I got stripped of my powers. I have wings. I can communicate with animals." He said very slowly. "There, Better?" 

"Oh also, Techno, I know who you're the Reincarnation of." Tommy giggled. "Really? Who? and How?" Techno spoke excitedly and quickly. "Yep. You're the Reincarnation of Sanguis. I assume you know who that is. And as of how, well, let's just say you look similar because of the red iris and pink hair. Not to mention the dangerous fits." Tommy mumbled the last part.

Techno grunted. Phil clasped his hands together but said nothing.

After a few seconds of silence, Tommy ran out the door before anyone could stop him. He ran until he couldn't anymore.  When he stopped, he was at the river where Drista was before she got taken to prison. 

Tommy sat down to slow his breath. After he thought he had enough energy, he spoke. "Eris? Eris, please. If you have enough energy, hear this call. I don't know what to do."

*Drista/Eris POV*

I heard the soft voice before I felt myself in the a daze. "Ares, are you alright?" I was a bit worried, I'll admit. Ares never show weakness. "I guess I'm fine. But it's so hard. I miss you. I haven't seen you in years and I don't think I will for many more years to come." I felt my heart break at his words. "I miss you to, Re. But I think you're right. A Reincarnation spotted me when I summoned something and now they got their god fighting to keep me in jail because I broke a rule set in place when I went to earth."  I told him. "Can you look in the future and see if there's any joy for either of us in sight, please?" Ares begged. I sighed, "Fine. Hold on." I looked to my left and what I saw surprised me. I saw my twin running far to east before the scene changed and he was with a tall person, both were smiling.

"All I can see is you running to the east. Wait, now I see you with someone new. You're both smiling." I spoke as I looked. "I would run if I were you. Run to the east. Hopefully, Helios will give you what you seek." I said as the vision ended. "Okay. Thank you, Er. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Love you." (Platonic. Entirely Platonic. They're siblings, ya weirdos) "Love you, too. I'll talk to you then."

*Third Person POV*

As soon as Eris stopped speaking, Tommy stood up and ran as far to the east as he could. 

After nearly one hour of running, Tommy  looked up to the sky to see where the sun is. However, because he wasn't looking where he was going, he bumped into an unseen figure.

(Anything in bold is in enderman)

"Oof. Oh no, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry." Tommy spoke quickly as he helped the mysterious figure up. "Oh no, please don't apologize. I should've given you a warning as to let you know I was coming." the person spoke. "A- Are you half enderman?" Tommy questioned the hybrid. "Yeah, actually." The figure said. "Wait, really? That's so cool. I haven't seen an enderman hybrid since- Wait, ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜?" Tommy said as he realized who this unknown person is. "⏃⍀⟒⌇⟟⌇ ⟟⏁ ⍀⟒⏃⌰⌰⊬ ⊬⍜⎍?" ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜ or Ranboo, questioned. "⟟⏁ ⟟⌇! ⟟⏁ ⟟⌇ ⋔⟒!" Tommy exclaimed, happy to have found his childhood friend. 

"Wait, why are you on earth, Ares?" Ranboo questioned, curious as to why his god friend was here on earth instead of in his realm with others of his kind. "Kinda caused too many pranks so we got sent here." Tommy laughed quietly. "Where's Eris?" Ranboo asked after realizing his other friend isn't there. "She used her powers to help, but a mortal caught her, so now she's in prison." Tommy said quickly. "But now I'm here, at 14 fighting in wars for a country I don't care about. Getting 'manipulated' by my 'older brother'. And making a big deal over some music discs." Tommy explained. "Oh, also if anyone is ever near us, I'm a human, adopted by Philza Minecraft, I do have wings except only Phil and Technoblade know, I don't speak enderman or lingua deorum or any other language, I don't have a sister, and my name is Tommy." Tommy added. 

"So basically, you are an entirely different person?" Ranboo said as his friend nodded. He let out a small chuckle at Tommy's dilemma. "Hey, do you wanna come back to the SMP with me?" Tommy asked. "We will kinda have to act like we don't know each other when there are people but at least we can still talk." He chuckled. Ranboo thought for a second before saying, "Sure. Why not?"

And so, off the duo went. Making jokes and laughing with each other on their way to the Dream SMP.

A/N Well. This chapter was a long time coming. But I hope you like that I added Mr.Boo to the story.  I felt that Tommy needed a friend who isn't gonna betray him, but also knows his backstory, and Ranboo felt right. Considering he's from the End, and Kristen rules over the void, I figured that Tommy and Drista probably visited the end at some point. 

P.S I wonder who the other Reincarnation is. I wonder what god they're the reincarnation of?


It's Tough to be a God [Tommy and Drista Sibling AU + God AU]Where stories live. Discover now