III | 𝕻𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖒𝖆

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Royal Court Of England

"Good morning, princess! Happy birthday!" I was woken again by, not only my dear lady Jade, but also my two other ladies, Serena and Kamille. I smiled at the girls before me, already beginning to get my gown laid out "Miss, your mother has informed us that your day will begin with a birthday breakfast in the dining room where all of your guests will be fed" "Thank you, ladies, but didn't I order the three of you too take off for the day?" I inquired, crossing my arms with a smirk spread across my face "Well, yes, your grace, but your mother was insisted we help you get clothed" Kamille spoke up "Well, we all know how insistent and demanding Mary Tudor is. Ladies, you may help me get dressed, but the rest of the day you mustn't aid to me, are we understood?" I spoke superiorly as my three ladies nodded in understanding "Let's go" I turned to my ladies, smiling once I was completely dressed. The ladies and I eventually parted ways as I continued making my way to the dining room "The birthday girl!" A bright voice from behind me spoke, causing me to spin around. Catherine De Medici. The Queen of France along with her husband, King Henry and of course, Francis "Catherine" I greeted, giving her a light kiss to the cheek "It's so nice to see you again. You as well, Henry" I smiled, embracing the man and giving a small smile to Francis, who stood beside his father silently "It's a pleasure to be here. Eighteen is a great age. Francis, here, just turned that age a few weeks ago" Henry spoke, smiling at his son "Any age is better for Francis than when he was a time. Always making messes, never understanding that food goes into your mouth, not on the floor-" Catherine spoke, making me chuckle as Francis cut her off "Alright, that's enough of that" Francis spoke up for the first time, rolling his eyes "May I escort you into the dining room?" Francis inquired, giving me a small smile "Yes. You may" I smiled, linking my arm with his "I swear, my mother will never find a conversation to use to not embrrass me" Francis laughed as he looked ahead to fund "It's alright. My parents do the exact same thing" I spoke, but Francis came to a halt, stopping me with him. I looked up with a confused face as he began to talk "I need to tell you something-" Francis looked down at me seriously, his hand gripping my elbow "Josette!" I turned behind me to see the beautiful unfamiliar face that I haven't seen in years "Mary!" I turned away from Francis to run over to the girl I dearly missed. Her much longer dark hair cascaded down her back and her plump pink lips curled up into her familiar radiant smile "I had no idea you would be able to get out of the Convent for my birthday! Mary, I'm so happy you have come. I have dearly missed you" My face glowing as a smile spread across  it, I wrapped my arms around her in a tight embrace "Your mother requested my presence as a surprise for your birthday. I hope it's a good one" Mary smiled brightly at me "Of course it's a good one" I smiled, higher her once more. As I pulled away from our hug, I realized hat her eyes quickly drifted to a figure far behind me "Is that...?" I looked in the direction she was looking in to come to Francis. The man that was indeed her future husband "Francis" I answered for her, trying to hide my slight disappointment in my voice. He began to walk over to us, bowing before Mary "Your grace" Francis spoke as a smile spread across her face again "My goodness, Francis. You have changed so much" Mary spoke happily "Well, wasn't that expected? It has been about ten years since we last saw each other" Francis jokingly snapped, making my eyes widen as Mary seemed to cower "Francis" I scolded him before turning to Mary. I began to guide her in the direction of the dining hall "I'm so sorry" I spoke to Mary as I began eyeing Francis who was still smirking behind us "He's been a little moody lately. Don't mind him and his hormonal outbursts" I smirked back at him over my shoulder before looking back at Mary with a sweet smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Francis smirking and laughing to himself as we walked away. I understand his feelings about his arranger marriage with Mary,  but must he really express them outwardly yo her face? It's not her fault that they have to wed. He does not need to be all sassy about it "Darling, happy birthday!" My mother called me over her and my father. I brought Mary along with me as I made my way to them "Mary, you have grown so much since I last saw you! It's wonderful to see you again, dear" "You, as well, your majesty" Mary did a small curtesy before dismissing herself and walking away "So, Mary is back" My mother mumbled in my ear with an odd tone in her voice as we sat to eat our breakfast "Yes, is that a problem?" My eyebrow quirked as I looked up to her "Well, uh, no. Not a lot all, I guess" My mother hesitated, causing my eyebrows to furrow as I looked up to her "Mother, what is your deal?" "Josette, there are certain things that we can discuss in public and certain things we must not. Because if we do, the enemy may hear. Next thing you know, our heads are requested on a platter. All I am going to tell you is that there are issues brewing with the Scottish-French alliance. Issues that are secret to most" My mother informed me secretively "And what does that have to do with England?" I inquired "More than you even know" My mother simply answered me. I looked back down at my plate before finishing my meal "Mother, father, may I be excused. I need to freshen up a bit" I spoke, leaning to my mother and father "Of course, darling. But please hurry back" Mt father spoke to me before I turned to walk out of the dining hall and towards my chambers. I continued to walk through the labyrinth of a castle that we have here to get to my room when I felt a slight breeze as I passed one of the verandas. Momentarily, I felt a hand grip my arm tightly before pulling me outside and pushing me against the wall of the outside veranda. Before I could call out to the guards, I noticed that it was Francis who had scared the life out of me "What do you think you are doing?" I hissed "I was going to tell you this earlier, but we got interrupted" Francis whispered as he towered over me "What?" "I, well, uh-I have to tell you something" "Obviously" I rolled my eyes "Would you just spit it out already? I have to get back to my birthday breakfast" "I have realized that I have developed these sort of feelings for you" Francis spoke, backing away from me as he began to pace back and forth, nervously rubbing a hand back through his hair "Francis, what?" I inquired, my eyebrows furrowing "Josie, please don't make me say it again" He spoke, his blue eyes meeting mine "Francis, you know this can not happen" I spoke seriously. We both know that his alliance with Mary and Scotland can not be broken just because he has feelings for another girl, even if she is the succeeding queen of England and Holy Roman Empress "I know, I just, I wish that I wasn't bonded to a woman only because her country needs support from mine" Francis spoke, his hand brushing his blonde hair back again "My darling Francis" I began, my hand coming up to his cheek "If only you knew how much I wish the same thing. But for people like us, it doesn't matter what we want. What matters is what is beneficial for our people" "I know, I know, but I truly believe that an alliance with Scotland will only burden France in the long run. Scotland is barely able to feed it's own people. Their queen hasn't been able to live there since the day she was born because her life was and always will be threatened by the radicals that live among her own people" "I know, Francis. I wish I could give you a solution to your problems, but only time will give you the answers you are longing for" I spoke again, my hand caressing Francis' stubbly cheek. He slowly leaned closer to my face, his light blue eyes burning into my brown ones. My eyes trailed down to his plump pink lips that were only centimeters away from mine as his finger dragged along the bare skin of my shoulder "Francis, we can't" I whispered, making myself draw my eyes away from his lips "Josette" Francis exhaled as his forehead rested upon mine for a few moments "I'm sorry" The all too familiar voice of my dear friend Mary Queen Of Scots spoke aloud. Oh dear. I looked up as Francis quickly pulled away from me, my eyes meeting the sad look that was spread across her face. She stood at the pot of the veranda, slightly holding onto the door frame "Mary, I am so sorry" I spoke taking a step towards her "No, no, I shall be on my way back now" She spoke before turning herself away quickly and leaving the veranda. I looked over to Francis who stood there with a worried look on his face. He looked at me as if asking for my permission to go after her. Well, she is his future wife after all "Go" I assured, looking down in discouragement as he grabbed my hand, giving it a tight squeeze before letting it go and running after Mary. His future wife.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now