VII | 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊

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Royal Court Of England

After I have waken up this morning and practically crawled over the massive amount of gifts spread throughout my bedroom floor that had yet to be put away, I made my way downstairs for some breakfast. Let me just say, waking up this morning was not easy. After what an eventful night I had last night I did not get much sleep at all. Of course on the way I was greeted by multiple guests who were on their way out of court. Many thanking me for their invitations "Josette!" A voice boomed behind me. That voice was
all-too-familiar, but almost just as foreign considering I barely ever get to see him "Grandfather!" I turned and smiled, enveloping him in a hug. This was rather inappropriate, especially since there were multiple royals who were judging our every move standing around, but it had practically been forever since the last time I had seen my grandfather "Darling, I am so sorry I could not be at your gathering last night. I heard it was wonderful. And I am sure you looked magnificent, as always" My grandfather spoke, bowing his head and kissing my hand "Don't worry, grandpa, I am just overjoyed you could make it at all. I know how busy you have been" I curtsied "Well, dear, maybe I should start taking you along on some of my emperor duties. Because you will be fulfilling my position one day, you need to begin learning the ropes" "Oh, yeah. About that, thank you a million times, grandpa. By this I know you have true trust in me and I really appreciate that" I smiled as he took my hand in his "Oh, my dear, Josie, it was my pleasure to announce you as my successor. You will one day be one of the most powerful beings in the world" He smiled down at me "Oh, grandpa, I am so happy to see you" I embraced him once again, an evident smile spread across my face "awe much as I would love to stay and chat, I am not only here for my beautiful Josette's birthday, but I am also here on business. We must catch up soon though, my darling" Grandfather kissed my forehead before walking over towards the throne room. I continued my walk to the Great Hall to eat, sitting in my normal seat "Your Highness" A guard walked up to me. I turned my head up to  him and nodded for him to continue "The King and Queen have requested your presence in the throne room. They say it is quite urgent" "Of course" I smiled, wiping a cloth gently over my lips before standing up and making my way to the throne room. I turned into the room. Standing to the right of me was Francis and his parents and to the left was my grandfather, while my parents sat on their thrones "Dear, please come in" My mother cooed. I picked up my dress a bit before walking to the middle of the room "Is there a problem?" I questioned, making quick eye contact with Francis, who could not keep a smile off his face. Something about Francis' look on his face told me that nothing was at all wrong here, just absolutely right. Whatever that was "Would you like to hear the good or the bad news first?" My father spoke, disregarding my prior question "Well, I'm used to it all, so just throw it at me" "Ok then. The Valois will be leaving the English Court this evening along with the rest of the guests, but in just a few days you will travel to the French Court as a short-term English ambassador. You will handle any English business in France that needs to be taken care of, get your name around, and while you are at it, test out this whole
English/French alliance you've got rolling through your beautiful and stubborn mind" My mother spoke, chuckling at the last part. A smile spread across my face as I made eye contact with Francis out of the corner of my eye. He brightly smiled back at me with his crooked little smile. The smile truly kills me "Your Majesties" I curtsied "It would be a pleasure to be the newest English ambassador" "That's what we were hoping to hear. I'm glad that you are beginning your work. It's never too soon to begin dealing with the politics. And you, my dear, are one who will need to know more about politics than anyone" My grandfather smiled and shot me a wink "Now, bid the Valois' goodbye and then return to your chambers. You and your ladies have a lot of packing to do before you can embark on your journey" My father smiled at me. I turned to France's King, Queen and Prince and gave them all embraces. Knowing that it was King Henry that was really pushing for all of this, I hugged him tightly whispering a light "Thank you" in his ear. He may just be pushing it because it's good for his county but I know that deep down he really cares about his son's feelings. He gave me a small nod back before I have Catherine an embrace. She grabbed my arms, looking me over with a smile before pecking my cheek. Henry and Catherine then walked away, leaving just Francis and I "It's happening" I smiled as Francis took my hands in his "Yes, it is" He rose my hands to his lips, leaving a small kiss "I can not tell you how much I just want to skip to the day you come to the French Court" "I'll be there soon enough. Don't miss me too much" I blusher, intertwining our fingers again "How could I not?" He smiled, making me smile "I don't know. I guess we will have to find out" "Francis" Henry called over to his son, causing us both to look Henry's way "The carriage is packed. We need to get on our way" We both turned back to each other, each leaning in. We gave each other one lasting passionate kiss before Francis and I were swept away to our separate lives. The only thing I couldn't stop thinking about, was just how quickly everything was happening. I may actually have a chance at live. As we all know, love doesn't matter to royals. It's just a word that we long for, but can never actually achieve. But with Francis, I think I may actually be able to achieve this foreign feeling. Love.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now