XIII | 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖀𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖉

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Royal Court Of France

"So, you are telling me that someone got into your room through a secret passageway-" "Well, I think it was through a secret passageway. They could have just gotten in before I had come to my room, but that doesn't matter" "Ok" Mary shook her head, trying to understand the situation "So, then the person told you to not let me drink the wine without being seen, might I add, and then left through the secret passageway in the wall?" "Pretty much" I chuckled, rubbing my forehead slightly "I know it sounds absurd, but whoever it was saved your life, Mary. I just wish u could have actually seen the person"
The next morning, I woke up in my chambers and made my way downstairs for breakfast. Before I had made my way to the dining room. I saw Mary and three of her ladies speaking in a cluster "Oh, Josette! Please, come. I have to inform you of what I have heard" Mary called me over to her. I picked up my dress a bit before walking over to the cluster of girls "Good morning, ladies" I smiled and the girls curtsied "First, let me introduce you formally, Jo" Mary smiled "This is Kenna, Greer, and you have met Aylee. And girls, as you know, this is Princess Josette of England" "Yes, very nice to meet the three of you" I smiled "Isn't there one more?" "Yes. Lola. Although, she isn't exactly in a presentable state right now. Her and Colin to be an item" Mary spoke, hinting with her eyes. Colin. The boy who attacked Mary "Oh, I see" My eyes widened a bit "Yes" "Anyway, what is going on now?" I spoke, shaking my head "Ok. So, Catherine and Henry said that Colin's attack on me was an English plot, as you know" Mary gestured to me and I nodded. I still can not believe it. All these years, Mary was forced to live at the Convent because of my parents "But Colin told Lola it was someone here, highly placed placed at the French Court. All I know is it had to be someone opposed to Scotland's alliance with France. My engagement to Francis-" "Ok, but shouldn't the people who have opposed the engagement between the two of you settled down by now? After all, you technically aren't engaged now. It's just a friendly alliance" I spoke, my eyebrows furrowing "Yes, but it seems that there is someone who stills manages to oppose it at full force" Mary spoke with worried eyes "Josette, I know you hate to hear this, but England, as a whole, wants my country and my crown" I huffed, knowing it was the truth "I need the alliance with France to protect Scotland from England, at least until I find a new, suitable alliance. But most of all I need time before there is any chance of me marrying a suitable prince or king. And I won't have time if I don't figure out who is against me" "Mary, I wish I could just become queen, now. I could put a stop to the English hate for Scotland" I grabbed my best friend's hands, giving sad eyes "Jo, please don't beat yourself up about this, ok? This is not your doing. When the time comes, you will be queen, and you will be able to make things your way. But until then, there is only so much you can do as a princess" I looked down at our interlocked hands and sighed. Maybe there is something I could do. If I could manage to get back to England to speak to my parents, maybe I could make them put an end to the attacks on Mary and her country "Ladies, would you excuse me? I just remembered, I have some place to be" I smiled before quickly dismissing myself. I ran up to my chambers, telling my maids to pack my bags and to tell my ladies to pack their things, as well. The sooner I get to England, the sooner an end to Mary's torture will come. Before heading back downstairs, I freshened myself up a bit. I then rushed myself to the throne room. Today, little Charles will be sent to meet his possible future wife, so I knew that the King and Queen would be there, along with anyone that you could classify as important. I must announce my excursion to England immediately, and the more people who see my affection towards Mary; the better. If everyone sees that the Crowned Princess of England can go out of her way for the Queen of Scots, then we are already one step closer to where we need to be "Prepare a carriage for Mary, Queen of Scotland" The king spoke just as I entered the throne room "Henry" I called just as he was about to turn around. This caused all eyes in the room to land on me and all mouths to go silent "Princess Josette, are you here to join Mary and Francis as they bring Charles to go meet Madeline?" The king asked me "As much as I would love to accompany them, I have to ask that you let me go back home" I spoke, straightening out my shoulder to give myself more confidence. When I said this, I heard multiple gasps spread throughout the room "Josie?" Francis questioned from the side of me with a confused face. I gave him a small look before turning back to Henry "You mean you want to go back to England?" Henry furrowed his eyebrows "Only for a little while" I assured "I recently discovered a secret that my parents have kept from me my entire life. I was informed that they have been plotting to end my dear friend, Mary's reign, and I must speak to them about the situation" "What makes you think they will listen to you?" Henry asked, walking closer to me. I cocked my head in confidence and stepped closer to him in an intimidating manner "My people worship the ground I walk on. Even more than they do my parents. Mother and father would be stupid to not listen to me. They know that England would stand on my side over over my mother's in an instance because I am the jewel of England" I strongly spoke "When do you want pan on going back?" Henry softened "As soon as possible" I spoke, standing up straighter, feeling Francis' eyes burning into the side of my face "Well, then. Prepare another carriage to bring Princess Josette to the docks. And please, make it quick, Princess, we have upcoming events, and we will need you here" The king spoke before exiting the throne room "Of course, Your Majesty" I bowed before baking out "Josette" A voice called as I felt someone grab my hand "Francis, I'm sorry this is so sudden. But it needs to be done" I smiled, holding onto his hand "I know. I just-I-Please, come back safe, ok? I'm have big plans and you are included in all of them" Francis spoke nervously, causing me to smile. He kissed my forehead before pulling away and staring at me "What?" I awkwardly laughed "Josette, I think I lo-" "Princess! Your carriage is packed and ready for your departure. The king insists you get on your way as soon as possible" A guard called over to me before I turned back to Francis "What was that you were saying, Francis?" I questioned the prince. He was saying something until the guard rudely cut him off, I just didn't quite get it all "Oh, uh, nothing" He smiled, kissing my forehead one last time "Have a safe journey, my dear"

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now