XIX | 𝕯𝖊𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊

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Royal Court Of France

My face was pressed into my pillow as tears continuously flowed out of my blue colored eyes. Ever since Simon told me about my mother being ill, there has been a dark atmosphere surrounding me, but I haven't been able to let out my feelings until now. I know, my mother is horrid and brutal, and I probably sound like a fraud just like her, but I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt me to know that she is suffering and coming in contact with the end of her life. She is my mother. She gave birth to me. She taught me to be the respectable royal that I am today. Whether she is really a horrible liar or not, she is my mother, and that is one thing that I can not deny. Also, knowing that I may be succeeding thrown sooner rather than later has me a bit on edge, and I really am not sure how to process it all. A knocking house caused me to stop crying. I stood from my previous cradled position. I gathered myself by flattening my gown and wiping my
tear-stained cheeks. Once I was fully composed, I walked nearer to the door "Come in" I called, trying to not let my voice deck. The door opener and shit quick showing a frazzled looking Francis enter the room "Jo, I know you would put a stop to it if you could, but the English are continuing to mass on Scotland's border, and-" He stopped once he finally made eye contact with my dull face. A concerned look appeared on his face as he approached me. I stood, anxiously shifting on my feet "And you are clearly not well. Josie, what is wrong?" His hand came up to rest on my cheek that was now raw from rubbing it so harshly "Francis, it's my mother" I spoke, letting a sob escape my lips. I took a deep breath, holding in the tears that were soon to come "She is very ill. No one knows how much longer she will make it" I gazed down to the tiled floor "I know it's absurd for me to be upset over this. I mean, she almost killed my friend multiple times, but she's my mother. And I don't want to lose her" I began to sob. Tears spilled from my eyes. There was no stopping them now. Francis silently pulled me into his chest, one arm snacking around my waist and one on the back of my head. I rested my head on his chest, continuing to let the tears flow "I normally don't break down like this. I hate looking weak, but with you, I don't know. I guess I just feel comfortable in your presence" That sounded a lot more embarrassing out loud than it did in my head. I mentally cursed myself for letting my mouth. Although I know Francis wouldn't judge me, it still is important that I never let my guard down "Just let it out, Josie" His arms simply tightened around me. I felt a light kiss on my forehead "It will be alright, darling. Everything will work out like we planned. I know it" I let out a deep sigh before composing myself and stepping back from his hold. I wiped the tears off of my cheeks for the billionth time today "So, what was it you saying about the English massing on Scottish Borders?" "Yes, well, your people are continuing to mass on Scottish Borders, which we all understand is out of your control, but Mary is very upset by this. She came to my father and I earlier this morning, but he wouldn't budge" "In all of my years of being a Princess, I have never felt so weak in my position before" I spoke seriously "Don't say that" Francis stepped towards me, but I stopped back "No, it's true" I stared off "From here, I have no power" I've never been so doubtful of myself "Josette, I will not tolerate you feeling sorry for yourself. You have no right. You are a strong and beautiful woman, and if you can't see that then you must truly be blind. Last time I checked, you are treasured by your country. That is more than anyone, any royal, could ask for" Francis vigorously stepped towards me, grabbing my hands "So, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are not weak. Or powerless. Or anything less than perfect" I looked down at our hands that he had picked up and brought to his soft hips to kiss, before my head shot up in realization "Wait! Francis, that's it! I'm treasured by my country. They all adore me" I brightly smiled, looking up at the boy before me "Yes, I know, Josie. That's what I was just telling you" He spoke, a goofy grin coming across his face "No, no, no. You see, maybe if I confront my people myself, and show them how much I care about Mary and Scotland, they would back off" I began to pace around the room as I gathered my thoughts "All they ever see is my mother being hateful towards Scotland, so of course they would follow in her footsteps. But if they see my interests. And see that I want this cruelty towards Scotland to be put to an end, then my people must go along with it" "You" Francis grinned, shaking his head "You are absolutely brilliant"
"Mary!" I called across the courtyard as I shielded my eyes from the bright sun "I've been looking for you everywhere" I ran towards my friend as tastefully as possible "Josette, is everything alright?" Mary laughed at my speed "Yes, yes, everything is more than alright" I smiled brightly "Go on, you pocket full of sunshine" "I know how I will put a stop to my people's cruelty towards yours" I stood confidently, looking at my friend who had an oddly exuberant smile spread across her face "There will be no need" She continued to smile down at me "What do you mean?" I questioned "Last time I checked, they were still at your Borders" I don't understand why all of the sudden she is ok with the masses of predators who are ready to attack her country "Josette, do you know Tomas of Pamela?" Mary smirked lightly. There was something rolling through that head of hers, but I couldn't quite make it out just yet "Yes, of course. He's very well-respected, but he is a bastard son. He was actually friends with one of my old suitors, Prince Stephan of Holland. I've never actually met the man, but Stephan has told me a lot about him" I spoke surely. I have not seen Stephan in person since my birthday hall when my parents were still introducing suitors to me, but we have written to each other back and forth a few times. We've built up a great friendship. Nothing more. Nothing less "Oh? I didn't know that the two of you still kept in touch" Mary spoke, smiling gently "Not as often as we used to, but nevertheless, yes. I wish we wrote to each other more. He's a wonderful friend" I smiled at the thought "That's nice" Mary spoke, then we waited in silence for a moment "Anyway, Tomas actually proposed to me. He offered everything I would ever need. The companies of men, the spare food for my people. And I actually think I could learn to love this man, Josette" The gentle lovingness in her eyes was enough to make my heart melt "Oh, Mary. I am so happy for you" I engulfed her in a tight hug "I'm actually glad in a somewhat selfish way" I chuckled "What do you mean?" "Well, I was going to travel all the way to Scotland and tell my people, who are trying to take it over, that I support you and that I want them to, as well, but that will obviously not be necessary, considering you will be able to get men to fight them off for yourself. I was somewhat putting my life on the line, so your kind of saving me here" I laughed "You were actually going to do that?" Mary spoke; a few evident tears welling up in the corners of her eyes "Of course" I smiled, holding onto her hands "And I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. Mary, I would do anything if it meant our countries being at peace" I hugged Mary again before pulling away "When do you leave?" "This evening. I must finish up making sure all of my belongings are packed. Then, I will be out of your hair" She chuckled, shaking her head "I really do hope things go well for you, Mary" I spoke, taking a breath "I need you to know that once u her into the throne as the Queen of England, I will do everything in my power to make England and Scotland civilly allied" "I could hope for nothing more" Mary spoke, her eyes then falling to the ground "I suppose this is our final goodbye. I don't think I will see you for a while, Josie" I sighed before looking back up at Mary Stuart. The Queen of Scotland, yes, but most importantly, my best friend "I'll miss you, friend" I hummed into her ear, before engulfing Mary one last time "I'll miss you, as well"
"Tonight for dinner I would like to wear the tiara that used to be my mother's favorite" I spoke to one of my one of my maids as I eyed her in the corner of the mirror. My mother gave me this tiara for my fourteenth birthday. She told me that her mother gave it to her on her fourteenth birthday, so it has become a sort of family heirloom "Of course, Your Highness" She approached me, gently placing the beautiful, diamond bedded tiara on my head just before there was a knock on the door. In the mirror, I saw another maid run to the door and have a quiet conversation with whoever was on the outside of the door "Princess Josette, there is a letter here for you. Would you like to receive it now or wait until after dinner?" The maid called "Now, please" I smiled "Bring it here, then leave me be" She handed me the letter, before exiting my chambers. I slid my fingers over the Holland mail stamp, before opening the letter.
Princess Josette,
         By the time you are reading this, my plan has either succeeded and Mary has left for Portugal or it has failed and she has stayed in France. As you know, Tomas of Pamela is a dear friend of mine. I knew that there was trouble in paradise and that you and Francis were having some obstacles sitting in the way of your love. So, what did your brilliant friend do? He contacted his bachelor friend who was looking for a Queen to marry. I hope you are not angry at me because of the secret plan. I only did it for the sake of you and your love. I did because you are a dear friend of mine, Josie, and I want what's best for you. And what is best for you is for you to be happy and connect.
     P.S. Write to me soon. I am craving to know how you and Francis are doing. And I am expecting an invite to the wedding. And your coronation. And all of your future children's birthday gatherings. For that matter, just put me on the common guest list now.
Best wishes always,
         Prince Stephan of Holland.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now