XXII | 𝕻𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊

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Royal Court Of France

"Let go of me!" A familiar voice called that I was immediately able to recognize as my Lady Kamille. Muffled words were spoken until I walked into the room where I heard her voice. My eyes came in contact with a man who had a tight grip on Kamille's wrists "Let her go" I hissed to the unworthy man before me "I am the heir to the English throne, and that is my Lady" I glared at the man "Kamille, go upstairs" "She is fine here" The disgusting man growled "Is there something wrong, Your Highness?" Count entered the room, interrupting the lovely conversation between myself and the repulsive buffoon. I looked over to Count, then nodded my head towards the man who remained in close proximity of Kamille "We are just having a bit of fun with this one, my Lord" The man spoke and I rolled my eyes in annoyance "Soldiers must have their indulgences" Count spoke, looking down to me. I guess it's time for me begin playing along with this game. I softened my eyes, a tender smile forming on my plump red lips as I gazed over to the Count "Of course, Count, you know best. It's just, Lady Kamille would be so much more useful to me upstairs. Indeed now that you are the master of this castle, I humbly ask that my English ladies and I retire to our chambers while you're negotiating with the French" I smiled lightly up at the Count and an uneasy look crossed over his face "I suppose Princesses must also have this indulgences" He spoke to me and I smiled gratefully "I trust that, in return, you and your ladies will join us for the feast this evening. My men and I will enjoy the best at King Henry's table before we go" Count smiled, grabbing my hand. I twitched on the inside, but held a steady smile and posture on the outside "Do not let the rough manners of my men disturb you. My word as a gentleman, you will not be harmed" "Thank you, Count" I looked up at the man gracefully "Of course we will be there" I placed my other hand over his "I am so grateful for your protection. Kamille" I called as I turned around, letting go of his hands. She followed me as I walked off, taking a deep gulp. Once we were far enough away, I continued walking but turned to Kamille slightly "We are going straight to my chambers where, I am hoping, Jade and Serena will be waiting. Do not plan on leaving my room until the dinner tonight. It's too dangerous" I whispered to Kamille as we continued to stealthily walk to my chambers, hoping we would not run into any more of the Count's men. She nodded to me right before we came in contact with my chambers door. I opened it quickly before we both stepped in the room, seeing a nervous-looking Jade, but no Serena "Where is Serena?" "I don't know. I was thinking about going to look for her, but I wanted to wait until I saw you, Josette" Jade looked at me and I nodded "I'm glad you didn't go. I wouldn't want you to be in harm's way" I spoke quickly, sitting down on the love seat in my chambers "Do you think the Italians took her?" Kamille asked just as there was a knock on the door. An Italian man opened the door, letting whoever it was in. When it was Serena who was dressed as a maid, holding a tray of small desserts, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Your Highness" She bowed before the man closed the door. Once the door was closed, she set the tray down and turned to us "Serena, are you alright?" Kamille asked, running over to her as I stood from my seat "I can't stay long. I've been in the kitchen" "Why are you dressed like a servant?" Jade asked "Servants are invisible. I thought I'd be safer as one of them, so I borrowed some clothes" Serena spoke "So, you're actually working in the kitchen?" Kamille spoke, easing her eyebrow "Trying to work, and making rather a mess of it" Serena spoke, making us all chuckle "What's going on hp here, are you all alright?" "For a moment" Jade spoke up, sighing "All we can do is wait to find out if the Queen and Francis will strike a bargain with the Count" I stepped closer to them, taking a breath "But I have never been good at waiting" I spoke out and the three girls looked at me curiously "Josette, what are you going on about?" Serena cocked her head to the side in wonderment "I need you all to go to your chambers and get ready for the feast tonight as quickly as you can without running into any of the Italians. When you are finished, come back to my chambers. Be quick about it. And if they try anything on any of you, tell them you are my laddies and that the Count would be very upset if he found out that I was upset due to his men's actions" I spoke before nodding for them to leave. They exited, shutting the door in their way out. I looked towards the door of the secret passageway of my chambers knowingly as I grabbed a candlestick and looked for a small piece of chalk. I shuffled throughout my chest of drawers, finally coming in contact with one before I made my way over to the passageway door "Clarissa" I called out once I was inside the passageways of the castle "Are you there?" My voice was shaky and nervous, but all I could hope was that maybe, just maybe, Clarissa could help us out of this "There are men in the castle. Bad men. And they want to hurt us. We can't get out. There must be another way out of the castle through these tunnels. I need you to mark me a path, a safe path, so I can get people out of here. Please" I took another shaky breath before setting down a small piece of chalk on the ground. Here goes nothing.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now