XI | 𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝕯𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Royal Court Of France

We all gathered around Elisabeth and her new husband as they had their first dance as a married couple. I was never really that close to Elisabeth, so I would not know about her out look on her arranged marriage, but from the look on her face at this moment, she looks quite happy. My eyes, leaving the couple, drifted across the room, trying to find Mary.
Don't let Mary drink the wine.
Don't let Mary drink the wine.
Don't let Mary drink the wine.
The phrase was practically on replay for replay in my head ever since the second I left my chambers. I'm not exactly sure as to why I was told this or what it really means, but I feel like I was told it for a reason. My eyes landed on her as a young blonde boy walked up to her. And as if it jumped out at me like an elephant in the room, his hand was extended out to give her a glass of wine "No, no, no, no" I mumbled, picking up my dress as I began to speed over to her "Your Highness, is everything alright?" A voice called to me. I didn't even look back to see who the speaker was. I just nodded before continuing in Mary's direction "Mary!" I yelled, causing her to look at me as if I were insane "Josette?" "Mary, let's dance!" I smiled widely as I grabbed the glass out of her hand and placed it on the table that was set up behind her. Perfect. She gave me a confused look, standing in shock almost. She's probably wondering what in the world has come over me "Your grace, what about the delicious wine? You don't want even a taste?" The man who had originally brought her the wine asked "Oh, she can get some later" I spoke to him before Mary could say anything as I grabbed her arm. She looked down at me with furrowed eyebrows as I carried a stupid smile on my face "You know, I remember those Scottish dances you taught me when we were children! We can do those. You know, for old times sake. Is this your lady?" I spoke quickly, gesturing you the blonde girl that stood beside her "Uh, uh, yes. This is Aylee" Mary muttered, still stunned a bit at my sudden outburst of happiness or whatever you would even call it. She is probably thinking that I have lost my mind. And after the events that took place in my room before the wedding occurred, I have almost convinced myself that I have, as well "Well, come on Aylee and Mary. Let's go dance! And let's grab your other Scottish ladies, too" I gleamed as I grabbed both of their arms and dragged them over to the dance floor. I saw the familiar girls that I was almost positive were Mary's other ladies and stopped at them "Are these your other ladies?" "Uh, yes, but-" "Perfect! Let's go dance then!" We all took off our shoes before running into the dance floor. Mary was too stunned to refuse, so before we knew it, the six of us were the center of attention. Thank goodness I still remembered these old Scottish dances from where Mary taught them to me years back. Who would have ever thought they would come useful to me at this day and age. These dances were simply nothing more than us girls just spinning around in different circles together, but the improperness of the dance is almost what makes it heartfelt. All I could hope for is that the second the music stops, Mary and I wouldn't be  back in battle. But I do have to say, dancing around with these girls surely made me forget about all of my problems and brought back amazing memories of when Mary and I were children. We continued spinning around, all smiles and laughs, of course, as other women joined in on the fun. The music came to a halt, causing us all too stop dancing. I rushed up behind Mary with hopes that I could speak to her about everything that has been going on "Mary" "Josette" She spoke, the smile, that was there moments ago, leaving her face "Can we talk, now?" "Well, maybe you should start by telling me why you barged into the conversation I have having with one of my loyal subjects earlier. Although, the dancing was enjoyable, your actions, Josette, were quite unladylike" She gritted her teeth, glaring at me "Let me explain, Mary. When I was in my chambers before the wedding, someone was in my room" I started "That sounds like a personal problem that you may want to notify your guards about" She spoke, raising an eyebrow at me. Ignoring her comment, I continued "I didn't see the person, I only heard them" "Ok, well, what did you hear that caused you to be so anxious?" Mary questioned, her eyebrows furrowing "Mary, I don't know what it means or why I was told this, but the voice specifically said, 'Don't let Mary drink the wine'" I spoke, pulling her aside just to make sure no one would hear us "Therefore, I made it my duty to pull you away from the wine that the gentleman handed to you" "That gentleman happened to be one of my loyal subjects. It appalls me that you even think one of my own people would do this to me" "Mary; I never said-" "Enough, Josette. You have hurt me enough for a day" Mary huffed, picking up the bottom of her dress "Now, if you will excuse me, I have somewhere I have to be" I turned, letting out an annoyed huff and watched as Mary stalked off with her ladies-in-waiting. Well, that worked out well.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now