IX | 𝕾𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘

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Royal Court Of France

"Well, I know for sure u must be hallucinating. The beautiful Princess Josette roaming around the French Court" I turned, a grin appearing on my face due to the voice that had just spoken "You must be. Princess Josette hadn't left the English Court French in months. Why in the world would she be here?" I chuckled, sarcasm evident in my voice. Francis walked closer to me, intertwining our hands together "Oh, wait. I remember. Last I heard, she was here for a dashing prince who happened to steal her heart. I wonder where he could be..." I smirked, beginning to look around the room "Pretty sure that I caught a glimpse of the two sneaking up to their old children's chambers to catch up a bit" Francis smiled, his hand coming to my cheek "Well, I am quite sure you would never lie about what you've seen. But maybe we should still go double check to make sure that is where they went" I looked down, smiling of course, nonchalantly playing with the ring on one of his fingers. I could practically feel his radiant smile and stare burning into my face "After you, Princess" Francis pulled away, attempting a drastic curtesy before I sped before him towards the old children's chambers. In fact, they were where Mary, Francis, and I used to stay when we were toddlers. Then, we grew up. Mary got sent to the Convent. Mother and father decided it was time for me to begin learning the ways of being an English Queen. And Francis, well, he grew up on his own accord. He soon moved into a more independent room for himself. Which was expected, of course. A teenage boy living in a toddler's chambers, not exactly the fir for the future king of France. Francis caught up behind me, swinging an arm around my waist and guiding me to the old children's chambers "I want to show you something" Francis smiled, grabbing my hand and guiding me towards one of the smaller rooms "What is this?" I asked. The room looked different than the others. While the others had toys and rocking horses spread throughout them, this one had work tools spaced out on top of a table that was set in the middle of the room "This is where I make knives and swords" Francis spoke, resting his elbows onto the table as I scanned my eyes over the tools "So, is this the moment when you use them to kill me or something?" I chuckled, knowing that it was not the truth "Oh, darn. You've caught me" Francis chuckled, a small piece of his golden hair falling in his face "No I just-Please just promise me that you won't laugh at my attempt to open up to you more. I'm trying to let you in, Jose, as ridiculous as this may sound" "Francis, I love the fact that you are taking time to actually open up more. So, just tell me already" I laughed at the adorable boy "Ok, ok. I make them because I just can not help thinking that every man, even a king, should have some kind of skill" "Isn't it enough that you will be an amazing ruler one day?" I questioned "I hope it will be" Francis smiled lightly "But I mean a skill that I didn't inherit. One that wasn't given to me and one that definitely can't be taken away" "I begin to admire you more and more each moment, you know" I smiled up at the beautiful boy who stood before me. I didn't think it was possible to fall even deeper into his trap, but I think I just may have. Without saying words, he thanked me for the compliment with his marvelous smile before continuing on "You know my brother, Bash?" He asked and I nodded "He has so many skills. If he wants to learn something, he does. He wants to go somewhere, he goes. With my father's blessing. They don't worry about him dying so much that they don't let him lived and I envy that" "Well, you know why. It's because he will never be king. Whereas you, my dear, will be an extraordinary king. One that will not only lead France one day, but hopefully alongside me in England" I stood up on my toes to leave a small kiss on the side of his cheek before looking down. After a few seconds, I spoke again "You know, I can sew" I smirked "One thing my mother always said was how a princess can never be seen in the same dress twice. So, if a princess has to make her own last minute gown, then so be it. She better whip out that needle and thread and her to work" "That's quite impressive" Francis smiled down to me "I suppose if there were ever an uprising that sent my line into hiding, I could always get by as a blacksmith" "Why would you need to her by as a blacksmith when you could just come with me to England and rule there" "That's a wonderful offer that I hope I never have to take you up on" Francis' hands cupped my cheeks before leaving a lasting kiss upon my lips "We have got to stop meeting like this" "Mary" I spoke, pulling away from Francis "What are you doing up here, Mary?" Francis questioned the girl who stood in the doorway "I was exploring. These were my old rooms, too, you know" "Mary, can we talk?" I asked her. I needed to speak up about this situation sooner or later "About what? You and Francis or me and you and Francis? I really don't feel like speaking about any of it" "Mary, I-" "Josette, save it" Mary turned on her heel, stalking out of the children's chambers "Wonderful" I hugged, looking up at the blonde man that I am almost sure I love.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now