XII | 𝕻𝖑𝖔𝖙𝖘, 𝕻𝖑𝖔𝖙𝖘, 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝕻𝖑𝖔𝖙𝖘

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Royal Court Of France

I rounded the corner of the ballroom exit, immediately stopping when I beware two familiar voices speaking in the hallway. I positioned myself to where I could hear them but not be seen at the same time.
"How awful must you find me to do this?" Mary hissed to who, I'm almost positive, is Francis by the speaking prior "It's not you, Mary. You are beautiful and clever and unpredictable" Oh? "But it doesn't matter" That's more like it "What matters is what's right for my country. France is not as strong as you might think, or care, which maybe you don't, but I do. I am going to be king someday, responsible for my people. And right now, ab alliance with Scotland could destroy France. Whereas, one with England would be more beneficial" She didn't say anything. Absolutely silence. What happened over there? I peaked my head around timidly to see what was going on "So, even before you grew feelings for Josette, you never wanted, even in the slightest, to marry me?" Mary asked, sounding devastated. I backed back to my spot where I was hidden from them "I tried to make myself think that things could change with you and me, but at this point and with Josette in the picture, no" 'With Josette in the picture'. At those words, a glimmering smile spread across my face "Well, Francis, if you didn't realize, it isn't your decision. It's your father's" Mary hissed at the prince "You don't see him pushing a wedding for you and me either, do you? All engagements really do is hold alliances. He used to bet that we might need Scotland, but now with England as an option, he has pushed Scotland to the back of his head. I've always been sure that we would find more elsewhere, and Josette has assured me of that" Francis spoke "Mary, I know it's not what you want to hear-" "That you would never love me. You wouldn't let yourself" She brokenly spoke "Love is irrelevant to people like us. There are only the mere few of us who actually end up falling in love with someone who happens to be beneficial for our country"  "Like you and Josie?" Mary whispered, hurt spilling from her words "Yes, like me and Josie" Francis spoke, I could almost hear a slight smile in his voice. Francis and Josette. The thought made me smile "Mary, all I am asking you is to wait. My father and I are working to find you a suitable prince in like for their country's throne. And I assure you we won't let you leave France with anyone less than perfect for your liking" "Ok" She answered shortly "Ok?" Francis questioned almost unsure of her shortness "Ok. Just promise me one thing" Mary spoke "Of course"  "You will not hurt Josie" Mary spoke, bringing a smile to my face "Aren't the two of you still in some sort of battle? Why would you care if I hurt her?" "Josie and I may be fighting right now, but we are best friends. And as much as I would hate to admit it at this moment, I could never just stop caring about her. Her feelings will always be a priority of mine. Just don't tell her I said any of that" She spoke, making me chuckle at the last part "Trying to hold onto your strong act?" Francis chuckled "It's not an act" I could hear the smile in Mary's voice "Mary, just know that if you ever need anything at all, we are here. Not just as an ally, but also as a friend" "Thank you, Francis. I do appreciate your kind words" Mary spoke before I heard the clicking of her heels become quieter and quieter until I knew she was gone "Josie, you come out from behind the wall that you have been eavesdropping from behind this whole time" I heard Francis speak, causing me to walk over to where he was standing sheepishly "You caught me" I chuckled shyly "How much did you hear?" Francis questioned and I smiled, thinking of what Mary had previously said "Everything I needed to"
Knock, Knock, Knock.
I sprung out of my bed, startled from the sudden noise at my door "Come in!" I called, wrapping a robe around myself "Your Highness, Queen Mary has requested your presence in the court yard" A guard spoke before turning and leaving my chambers. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before turning around "Of course" I muttered, more too myself than anything, just as my three ladies walked in the room with two maids. I wonder what Mary wants to speak to me about. Maybe she is finally ready for us to make up. I hope so. I really miss her as a reliable friend "Good morning, Princess" They all greeted me before the maids helped me get bathed and dressed "Where are you off to this morning, Josette?" Jade asked as she sat down on a small sofa in the corner of my room "Actually, as odd as this sounds, Queen Mary asked for my presence. I honestly have no clue what is going to happen. We haven't civilly spoken to each other since my birthday back in England" "Oh, dear Josie, haven't you heard?" Kamille questioned, turning to me as one of my maids brushed out my dark brown hair "Heard what?" I asked back, furrowing my eyebrows "About what happened to Mary last night?" Kamille spoke "Kamille, I have not left my room at all this morning to hear any of the gossip. What on earth are you talking about? What happened to her?" I stood up, becoming a even mix of irritated and nervous "Mary was assaulted in her bed last night" "She wasn't raped? Oh, god was she? Please, don't tell me she was-" "No, Your Highness. She woke up screaming, which caused the guards to come in before the assaulter could do anything" "Oh, thank god. I must get downstairs to see her. Thank you, ladies. I will see you later" I spoke before rushing down to the court yard. I ran out, seeing the familiar girl standing by a large pond "Mary" I spoke, unsure if she would react kindly to me or not "Jo" Mary whispered, clinging to me. I slowly let my arms wrap around her "I am so glad you're ok" I spoke into her shoulder "You were right" Mary simply spoke, leaving me confused "About what?" "The wine" She spoke "I am almost positive that Colin, the boy who assaulted me, was told to give it to me so that I would drink it. The drink had something in it that would cause me to go into a heavy sleep if I drank it. A sleep so heavy that I wouldn't wake up even if I were to be raped" She finished and I sat for a moment in shock "I guess what I am trying to say is thank you. Thank you for going against your people and telling me to not drink the wine" "Going against my people?" I questioned, a look of confusion covering my face "Yes, this was all an English plot. A plot to make me unfit to marry a future king. Whether it be Francis or another" "Who told you this?" I questioned the girl before me "Catherine and Henry" "Mary, are you sure this was an English plot" "The King and Queen seemed almost positive" Mary assured "I can not believe this" I looked down in worry "Josie, you didn't know about the English plots against me?" Mary questioned. English plots against my best friend. No, I most definitely did not "There were more than one?" I stammered, furrowing my eyebrows. The thought of my parents doing this makes me absolutely sick to my stomach "Yes, they were the reason that I had to stay at the Convent almost my whole life" "Mary, I-I suppose I never knew exactly why you lived at the Convent. I never took the time to wonder why. I guess I assumed it was just for spiritual reasons, but it's just all too confusing. Obviously, my parents never told me that they were plotting against you" I spoke, bewildered by these new thoughts "Wait, if you knew that England was plotting against you then why did you come to England for my birthday party?" Didn't she practically just walk herself into a
free-kill zone by coming to my party? "I didn't know that it was the English at that point in time. I had only learned of it being your country right before I was packed up and shipped to the French Court" Mary spoke "Oh, Mary, I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say" This whole situation makes my blood boil. Mary simply smiled, grabbing my hand and rubbing her thumb over it. I looked up to her as she gave me a light smile "You know, if I could stop my parents I would" "I know, Jo" She smiled before a look of bewilderment crossed her face "Wait, Josette, if you didn't know about the English plots then how did you know about the wine?" I looked at her before letting a small chuckle escape my mouth. It's time to explain the old events that occurred in my room before the wedding. But at least now her and I are civil again, and I can tell her this story without her thinking I'm absolutely delusional. Well, she still may think I'm delusional, but at least now we will just be able to laugh it off "You better sit down for this one"

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕰𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 | 𝕱𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖘 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖎𝖘 Where stories live. Discover now