Moving On..

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He hasn't spoken to me in 5 weeks, If we see each other outside he goes straight back inside. It's been hard because I've been dying to speak to him but he's just avoided me completely. I finally found a house in Greenwich village and Jase and his boyfriend asked if they could move into the house here which was perfect because I'm glad someone I can trust will be here to look after it and I can just come back and chill whenever I want.

It's my last night here I leave in the morning, the moving company have already taken all my stuff my parents are staying in my new house to wait for them. Jade and Darryl have planned a take away and a movie night.

"No superhero movies tonight! Honestly I am so bored of them now" cheeky bastard! There's nothing wrong with those movies

"Whatever Jase, your jealous coz you will never be one"


"Whatever, I'm gonna go take a shower and then we can have some food"

"I'll order it now so don't be too long"

I go and take a shower and I sit on my bed in my towel, I grab my phone and write out a text

Lexie: Hey, it's my last night tonight I leave in the morning. You will no longer have to hide away from me. Your free! I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful for you being there for me. Your a good guy. Hopefully I'll see you again one day x

Rob: Have a good life Lexie xxx

Lexie: you too xx

I just wanted him to be normal, I wanted my friend back.

Later that evening..

"I love you millions baby but I have to go to sleep, Darryl has already fallen asleep here. I'll see you in the morning"

"Yeah you go to sleep I'll be up in a sec. Goodnight lovebirds"

Jase and Darryl head off up to bed and I grab all the dishes and throw them in the dishwasher.

Pouring myself a large glass of wine, i grab it and take myself out to the garden to enjoy the quiet one last time.

"Room for one more?" I smile before I even see him

"Always" he takes a seat next to me

"You going to drink that?"

"I was going too but now I don't want too"

"Good choice" he takes the glass off me and pours the wine onto the lawn "so last night huh?"

"Yep, it's sad. As much as I'm excited to start a whole new adventure it's hard to leave this place"

"What time do you leave?"

"8am I need to leave early I have so much unpacking to do and I have furniture being delivered in the late afternoon"

"I'm so sorry"

"For what?"

"Throwing myself at you that night"

"You didn't, it takes two people and you didn't see me stopping it did you"

"I feel like I took advantage of you"

"Trust me you didn't. I know your married and that's why you regret it but I don't. I don't regret a single second"


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