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"In to bed please" I start removing his trousers and shirt

"I just want to talk"

"And we will in the morning when you have a clear head"

"Do you really love me?"

"Of course I do, I've always loved you Robbie"

"Come to bed with me"

"Of course" I remove my outfit and climb into bed next to him, he places his head on my chest and I wrap my arms around him. I'm just so happy he came back with me.

The next morning..

When I woke up he was still sleeping, I call down to the front desk and order breakfast for us. These last few months he has really abused his body and now he needs to put it all back together.

Breakfast arrives and you set it all up on the table then walk in to go wake him..

"Baby....... Time to wake up"

He shrugs "see yourself out!"


"It's not gonna happen again so fuck off"

"Robbie!!" His head shoots around

"Lex, I'm so sorry I thought..."

"I don't need to know details, come on breakfast is ready"

"Your really here"

"Of course I am, sorry I wasn't here sooner"

"I've missed you"

"Same here, breakfast come on" he climbs out of the bed and sits at the table where we have our breakfast together

"I've found a clinic for you"

"What for?"

"Clean your body of all these drugs you've been taking, it's a private place and they will help you get back on track"

"I don't want to go to one of them"

"I don't care, I need my man back"


"There's no ifs or buts Robbie, your going to that clinic and then your getting your ass back to work"

"Yes bossy"

"I've spoken to Chris, you've nearly finished your scenes in the spider man movie as soon as it's done you have a year break and your coming to live with me in Stars Hollow"


"Your coming home with me baby"

"Really? But what about everything and everyone I've done?"

"It's all in the past"

"But I went off with so many people"

"It doesn't matter Rob"

"Yes it does, so many women have been there for me trying to make me feel again"

"They'll never love you like I can, so stop trying to push me away. I've made up my mind, your mine and I'm going to get my man back and we are moving away from all this shit"

"You don't hate me?"

"Do you hate me?"

"No not at all"

The Girl Next Door (RDJ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now