Big Change

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"Please say something? I've been completely freaking out for the last two weeks and I need to know of your going to leave me! I can't raise a baby alone. And I'm sorry because I know your busy with work and this is the worst time but obviously we've been having sex so much and we haven't really used any protection. So it's your fault as well as mine and well please fucking speak!"

He looks at me and just smiles "we're having a baby?"

I nod at him and he just smiles even wider

"We're having a baby Lexie, the two of us. This is our baby"

"Yes we are having a baby, are you happy?"

"Happy? This is the best moment of my life. My god I've wanted this with you. We're having a baby"

"I'm so happy your happy. But please don't leave me"

"What are you talking about L?"

"I've gone up two dress sizes and I'm only 3 months, this baby is going to make me huge so please don't leave me when I don't fit through doors"

"Baby your body is perfect, this body is holding our baby. This body is a miracle. We were forever Lex, with or without our baby I was yours and now god I didn't know it was possible to be this happy"

"I love you so much"

"I love you too Mrs Downey and I love our son"

"Or daughter"

"Or daughter, I'm going to love this baby so much I promise"

A few days later...

Rob has a few days off from filming so we decided to go back home, to tell my family about the baby. He had called his sister and she was so happy for him and we've planned to go visit her as soon as he had finished filming completely.

We arrived back home yesterday but we have been spending some time alone.

I walk through Jase's door "what's up bitches I'm home"

"It's my favourite whore"

"This whore is no longer a whore but then again I fuck my husband like porno so I guess I'm a married whore"

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you more"

We spend some time catching up, a few hours go by..

"You seeing your parents today?"

"Yeah Suki is cooking like a massive dinner you coming?"

"Of course, Suki's food is to die for"

"Jase I have to tell you something"

"Okay? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is great. I'm just gonna spit it out okay"


"I'm pregnant"

His eyes widen!! "What?"

"I'm pregnant with a baby. I'm having a baby. Your going to be an uncle"

"We're having baby?"

"Yeah we are" he pulls me into a massive hug.

"I'm so happy for you baby girl I really am"

"Thank you"

"How is Rob?"

"Over the moon! He's so happy Jase. It's been amazing you know"

"Your parents are going to be thrilled!"

"I know that's why we are home, he's got a few days off and we wanted to come tell everyone"


"Suki, I honestly want to wrap you and bring you back to New York! Or please teach my wife to cook"

"Sorry Robert, I have tried. Both mother and daughter terrible cooks"


We have a lovely dinner and I'm so happy with how comfortable Rob is with my family now.

Rob gives me a look and I nod

"We actually have a reason that we came home for these few days, Lex"

I stand next to him and he holds my hand "you guys have become a whole new family for me and you've given me normality something I haven't had in a very long time. So I hope when we share our news your all as happy as we are"

I stand there silent

"We're pregnant. We're having a baby"

My mother jumps up squealing!! "I told you suki! I told you she was pregnant!! Come here my beautiful little girl! I'm so happy"

"Thanks mommy!"

It just went perfectly! The rest of our time home was amazing. My mom threw us a little party in Luke's and we just had a great time. Everyone in the town was so excited for us and we couldn't wait too finally finish filming so we could come home full time..

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