[Volume 2] Chapter 8

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Few weeks later a critically injured Y/N could be see lying in a hospital bed in a comatose state and next to him sits a sleep deprived Ruby, Everything seems quite and still until the door to the ward is opened and in walks Weiss with 2 coffee's in her hands.

She walks up to Ruby and sets the coffee's down on a nearby table, Ruby awoke from the noise of the mug touching the table.

Ruby: Wha...?Weiss what are you doing here so early?

Weiss Sighs and shakes her head.

Weiss: Ruby it's 17:11 and I came to see how you and my brother are.

Ruby just nods and takes the coffee from the table.

Weiss: So...Any signs?

Ruby puts her head down and shakes it side to side.

Ruby: No nothing yet, The doctors said there is no hope of him waking up for the next few months.

Weiss stood up in shock.

Weiss: But why! How!? He was stabbed not bludgeoned.

Ruby: Well it seems like over the weeks he was gone he was neglecting his health and took more damage  then we thought,

Weiss: That fucking dumbass!

She stormed off as Ruby thought about that night

Smooth Flashback 

Medics and Team CVFY who were brought for extra support rushed off the bulhead and Coco tried to pull Ruby away from Y/N so the medics could help him


Ruby who had tears running down her cheek, struggled and thrashed trying to get to Y/N


She called out for him one last time before he was lifted into the bulhead and she broke down hugging her knees as Coco tried to comfort her.

Coco grabbed the younger girl and brought her into a hug.

Coco: She it's ok, Y/N's strong he will pull through...He's a strong kid and he would want you to be strong to.

Ruby: But what if he doesn't make it!

Coco brought Ruby in tight.

Coco: It's ok let it out.....He will make it.


Ruby could be seen sitting on the bullhead staring at the resting Y/N unblinking as Ozpin could be heard breaking the news to her teammates. Team CFVY standing to his side.

Ozpin: We found Y/N but....he was in an  altercation and he was impaled through the chest, His aura saved him but he's heavily injured, Please Ms. Xiao Long get your sister and make your way to your dorm.

Yang was horrified by the news.

Yang: Oh..god

Blake was to shocked to speak.


And Weiss was hysterical. 

Weiss: No...nonono not my little brother...

He turns to the sobbing Weiss.

Ozpin: And Ms. Schnee He will be fine follow your team to your dorm you will be able to visit him once he's stable, Team CFVY do you mind getting Ms. Rose for me

Flashback end.

Ruby was brought out of her thoughts as her older sister could be seen tapping her shoulder.

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