[Volume 4] Chapter 1

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Y/N can be seen sitting on a log, the wind and his body completely still but his mind is anything but as he struggles to digest what happened while he was on his mission.

Ruby: Y/N

He turns to see Ruby alone with a cup of hot coco, He gives her a small smile an pats the space next to him, She quickly sits down and hands Y/N his cup.

Y/N: Look Ruby I'M sorr-

He cut of as Ruby lunges and smashes her lips against his, He almost drops his drink before recovering and returning the kiss in favor. They separated about a minute later.

Y/N: Well that was...

Ruby: Wonderful.

Y/N: Yep.....But As I was sayin-

Ruby; No need, Everybody understands....Even though some are reluctant to show it.

She says motioning back towards Jaune who is setting up a campfire.

Y/N scoffs

Y/N: The nerve of that fucking wannabe

Ruby puts a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Ruby: He really did try Y/N and he's struggling just as much as everybody.

Y/N looks down

Y/N: I know that Ruby but ....Look Ill give it time.

They are Interrupted as Ren speaks up from behind.

Ren: Y/N I think it's only fair since Qrow explained his part you should do the same.

Y/N: Is Alesha sleeping?

Ren: Like a baby.

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: Ok gather everyone.


Everybody takes a seat near the campfire, And Jaune is reluctantly Listening.

Y/N: Right so first of, I was never at Mountain Glenn, It was a cover story deployed by Ozpin and his "Inner Circle" My actual mission was to investigate a murder of a little Boy named Ross.

Everybody Gasps.

Y/N: Apparently it had something to do with me, So I get flown over and I reach the Mayors office and all the witnesses wee just gone.....So I realized the townspeople were in on it and went investigating by myself and I found Alesha At a seemingly abandoned orphanage....I'M just going to get to the point....The village found kids with silver eyes and kidnapped them and then sent those kids to Salam.....Over 30 kids and Alesha was the only one not caught. So after I found this out I stormed the Mayors office and asked some questions.....I then proceeded to.....Incapacitate every single person that was in on it.

When he said Incapacitate He looked at Qrow who nodded

Y/N: I then traveled over 120 miles to get to you all with that log on my back.

He smiles and Points to Alesha.

Y/N: The reason the Mayor allowed me to investigate was to stall me, Salam didn't want me at beacon, That's why I wasn't there at the fall.....I'm sorry

Without waiting for a response Y/N gets up and goes into his tent and lies down, Ruby quickly Joins him.

Ren: I think it's best if we all rest after the information we have received.

Qrow: It's for the best.

Later the large group wake up to find Qrow out of commission due to a bad case of... Poison, Which means it's left to Y/N to take up the rains and lead this rag tag group of teens to the nearest place to get Qrow the help he needs, on the journey the find a place that could possibly have something to aid Wrow but Ren and Nora don't seem to want to corporate for Reasons unknown to the rest of them so the group splits in two with Y/N and Ruby carrying an Injured Qrow go through the town while the rest go around, What could go wrong?

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