[Volume 2] Chapter 9

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Back in Beacon's Medical wing.

A small nurse with red hair is seen entering Y/N's room with a small tray of injections. She puts the tray down without looking around and picks up the first Injection.

Nurse:  Right time for his daily dose o-

the room falls into silence as the nurse drops the injection in shock as she see's the now awake Y/N sitting up in the bed gazing out the window over looking a small garden. She scrambles out of the room whilst he sits there.

Ozpin's office

Ozpin is sitting down and relaxing watching the news on his scroll as the nurse from before bursts into the room.

Nurse: Headmaster! He's awake!


Nurse: Y/N!

Ozpin: Why didn't you say so...

Back in the medical wing.

Ozpin: Ah so it was no Lie your awake.

Y/N turns around exposing the scar on his stomach.

Y/N: Why am I here Ozpin?

Ozpin: Well anywhere else you would be arrested, Several cases on manslaughter would most likely land somebody in hot water don't you agree Mr. Schne-

Y/N: Don't.....When can I leave.

Ozpin: Y/N I have been able to hide what you have done but if you leave again I will not be able to help you, Stay go back to your friends they miss you and the Vytal festival is coming up and what headmaster would I be if I let one of my best students miss it hmmm?

Y/N: Fine but I want information once I graduate.

Ozpin thinks for a second.

Ozpin: I ahve some conditions of my own so we will discuss this at a later date.

Y/N: Alright, What did I miss?

Ozpin: Every single one your classes and a tri-

He was cut off by his scroll ringing, He answered it.

Ozpin: This is headmaster Ozpin speaking, Ah I see well I have just the person for back up.

He ended the call and turned to Y/N.

Ozpin: It's good that you woke up it seems Team RWBY is in need of some serious help.

Y/N: Give me the location.

With Team RWBY.

Team RWBY is surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive . The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. All hope seemed lost as the dazed team rwby had no time to respond but out of no where a massive wave of ice slashed most of the Grimm apart just leaving a few of the bigger ones.

Ruby: Huh what....wai-

A figure is seen flying over the group and landing on the head of the King Taijitu using their axe they stayed on it as it flung it's self into building trying to take out whatever decided to jump on it.

Ruby: Y/n? Y/N!

As she shouted out the rest of her team reacted similarly.

Weiss: He's...He's awake!

Blake: Yeah I think we noticed.

Yang: Oh i'm going to kill that fu-


The King Taijitu screeched as Y/N stuck his axe in to the eye of the grimm as he jumped off and used an Ice sword to cut it's head off. He quickly sped around killing all the other grimm like he has hundreds of times before.

As everything settled town a bullhead could be heard flying in he looked up and saw team JNPR hanging from the side door and Jaune hanging from the edge as he fell.

Y/N: Of course couldn't just be one group at a time.

He turns around to greet Team RWBY

Y/N: Hi how have you all b-

He was cut of from a slap to the face as a crying could be seen with her and out.

Ruby: You...YOu...YOU ASSHOLE!

Y/N reels his head back and touches his cheek.

Y/N: I deserve that

She shuts him up by grabbing him and bring him into a kiss, they separated sometime later. 

Y/N: I'm sorry I just needed to find some stuff out.

Ruby: Yeah well next time don't almost die on me.

As the rest of team RWBY approached Y/N got no time to recover as Weiss walked up to him and once again smacked him in the face.

Weiss: YOU DOLT! How could you!

He quickly recovers and brings her into a hug as she sobs.

Y/N: I'm sorry I just had to figure some stuff out.

Weiss: You big moron no matter what your still my brother.

He smiles and pats her head.

Y/N: And you will always be my sister.

He let her go to Ruby as Blake approached him, He relaxed his guard seeing who it was.

Blake: What, not scared I will hit you?

Y/N: We both know that's not your style your more the type to glare.

She gives him a glare.

Y/N: See...

She walks up to him and brings him to a hug.

Blake: Thank you for helping us when we needed it.

Y/N: Well I was hardly going to stand by.

And lastly was Yang who walked right up to him with her semblance active and brought back her fist and  threw a punch at him, he just caught her arm and brought her into a hug, She calmed down as her semblance  deactivated she hugged back tightly making him let out a groan. She let go and joined the other as team JNPR ran over and piled on him with no warning.


Frozen Rose (Male Reader x RWBY Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now