[Volume 3] Chapter 6

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Yang: WAKE UP!

Yang burst through the door and pulls Ruby Off Y/N, She then steps up to him and starts lightly slapping his face.

Yang: Wake up Ice Prince, Ozpin wants you for a Mission. Something about Grimm Pilling up in Mount Glenn after A train went out of control, I don't know what that is about but hey Mission!

She holds her hands behind her back as she smiles innocently.

Y/N: Wait, Didn't Your team have a mission. Something about secret base In mount Glenn or something?

Ruby Walks up and puts a finger to his lip.

Ruby: Shush, You have a mission to get to do you not?

Y/N Gets up of that bed, But without noticing Ruby removed his shirt in her sleep.

Ruby: EEP!

She blushes but doesn't look away

Yang just whistled and cheers.

Yang: Oh little sis I couldn't be more proud of you then I am in this Moment 

She then runs off as Ruby chases her.

Y/N: hehe.....Anyway.

He puts on a shirt and starts to make his way to Ozpin's Office. He gets there and meets Glynda outside.

Y/N: Afternoon Glynda

Glynda: Y/N...I'm sorry.

Y/N: What?

Glynda: Whatever team RWBY told you is not your mission...Your mission is well.....I'll let Ozpin explain go right through.

Y/N turns away from Glynda concerned and storms into Ozpin's Office.

Y/N: Alright Ozpin enough of your games, What's the bloody Mission.

Ozpin: Last Night at around 23:00 A young Boy at the age of 7 was abducted and was found dead this morning at 8:16

Y/N sits down in shock.

Y/N: What...

Ozpin: He had a series of lashes on his back, His spine was broken in 2 different places and his throat was slit.

Y/N stands up and slams his fist on Ozpin's desk

Y/N: What the actual fuck Ozpin!

Ozpin stood up and grabbed Y/N's shoulder.

Ozpin: Y/N A witness who had seen the child said he was bragging about knowing the Famous Y/N Schnee, And then hours later he ends up dead! Do  you know anybody that could have possibly gone to this extreme to find Information on you?

Y/N just drops to his knees.

Y/N: This...This was because of me..? He died because somebody is after me? 

Ozpin: Y/N......There is no bringing that child back.....He needs to be avenged and you feeling bad will not get you any closer to avenging him, So Y/N Schnee Huntsmen In training will you take on the mission of finding the scum that killed a Young boy and.....Bring them to the Justice you think they deserve?!

Y/N looks up in shock. And gets up off the ground

Y/N: Ozpin...are you saying to...

Ozpin just nods

Y/N: Alright get me the location the witness saw him and the location of his death.

Ozpin: Y/N I must warn if you are to...Complete your mission in your own way.....You will be own your own when the authorities come, We can not be connected to it.

Y/N takes a deep breath 

Y/N: I understand....It's worth it...But when it goes down tell team RWBY I'm sorry but I had my reasons.

Ozpin stands back and extends his hand out to the young man who grabs it in a strong grip, They share a firm hand shake of respect.

Ozpin: Y/N You may not be a fully trained huntsmen but....You have my respect.

Y/N nods and leaves to prepare for the journey ahead of him.


Frozen Rose (Male Reader x RWBY Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now