[Volume 3-4] Chapter 0

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We can see a little make shift hut with a steady camp fire beside it and little Alesha sitting near by

Alesha: YYYY/NNNN....

Y/N comes running out of the hut standing to full height with weapons out.

Y/N: ?

He stops confused before looking at Alesha who has Ice cream all over here face.

Alesha: No more ice cream.

Y/N just stands there before grabbing their stuff and her and starts marching Northwest

Alesha: Aw were leaving already...

Y/N: Only 23 more miles till were at Beacon.

Alesha: It's been almost 13 days.

Y/N: Well if you didn't want Ice cream every time we could have been quicker.

Alesha; Wait.....If you can control Ice why can't you control Ice cream? Wait maybe you can make slushies!!


Just about 3 miles later Y/N hears the sound of weapons clashing

Y/N: Alesha...Up that tree quickly, And remember no noise, We will try your slushie Idea later ok.

She nods and scurries up the tree as Y/N advances out of the tree line into a Run down Village.

Y/N: Jesus what happened her-

He cut off as Two weapons clash of to his left, He looks over to see Qrow and some scorpion faunus.

Without anyone noticing Ruby comes out of nowhere and interferes, This leads to Qrow being distracted, And about to be slashed.

Y/N: Shit!

Y/N rushes in and intercepts the strike, Parrying it and sending the scorp stumbling back.

Everybody: Y/N?!

Y/N turn's to face them and smiles. He then turns back to the scorpion and ruses him with his axe Hybrid.

Tyrian: What the!

Tyrian regains his footing and blocks Y/N's attack

Tyrian: You!

He laughs hysterically

Tyrian: Did you enjoy your little gift! The Big Surprise!?

He lashes out and attacks Y/N with his Tail.

Tyrian: Is That I ripped the eyes out of everyone of those kids!

Whatever Tyrian was trying to do, On purpose or not worked as Y/N rushed in blindly out of anger allowing Tyrian to disarm him with a counter.

Tyrian: DiE!!!

He thrusts his weapons into Y/N's torso but its blocked by a sword made of Ice and with a successful counter Y/N manages to get behind the murderer and slice both his tail and achilles heel in one swipe.

Tyrian: AHHH!

He yells in pain and backs away from the Experienced Teen.

Tyrian: No matter what you do those kids won't ever comeback and for that the queen will always love me!

He runs away with what's left of his tails in between his legs.

With that dealt with Y/N turns to face the bigger problem, His friends and Very Very Angry girlfriend. But before that he walks past them back into the treeline.


But before she could get more Annoyed Y/N returns from the tree's with Alesha wrapped in Blankets she managed to fall asleep in the tree, He then walks over to Ren and without saying hand Alesha to him.


She didn't get time to say more as Y/N whipped around and wrapped her in a hug. She started to pound against his chest but starts getting slower as you could start to hear sobs.

Ruby: Where...Whe*Sob* Where were you?

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Ruby; No no that's .. Th...That's not good enough

Y/N: I was never at Mountain Glenn Ruby, That was a cover story.

She didn't say anything and just held on tight. But of course she wasn't the only one with Questions. Jaune stepped up Annoyed.

Jaune: NO, NO Excuses where were you?!

He marches up and pulls Ruby off of Y/N and pushes Y/N.

Jaune: Where were you when Your friends needed you! Where were you when EVERYBODY IN BEACON NEEDED YOU!

Y/N started to advance on Jaune but was Pulled away by Qrow.

Qrow: YOU TWO STOP! All questions will be answered.

Jaune: No, How dare he go on a mission that didn't even happen and then come back after Everybody died, AFTER PYRRHA DIED! He just comes back with some random tag along!

Y/N Barges By Qrow and Throws a Punch that lands flush On Jaunes jaw.

Y/N: You better watch your mouth arc....That kid has been through shit and is the only one left out of over 30 children that were targeted by People like Tyrian, AND HOW DARE YOU PUT PYRRHA'S DEATH ON ME WHEN YOU WERE THERE AND FAILED TO PROTECT HER!........I Don't even know what happened but the way I find out is it being blamed on me!

During the commotion Alesha has kicked herself out of Rens arms and Ran to Y/N hugging his legs.

Alesha: Please Y/N stop, Your scaring me...

He looks down to see tears in her eyes, He steadies his breathing and gets down on his knees to give her a hug.

Y/N: Sorry Alesha, The Adults need time to express themselves.

He then looks at Ruby smiles and whispers something to Alesha

Y/N: Pspspsp

Alesha smiles and nods. She then runs up to a still crying Ruby and tugs on her cloak. Ruby looks down and smiles seeing Alesha with her arms held out waiting for a hug.

Alesha: Hello Miss Ruby, My name is Alesha And Y/N says your somebody super important to him which makes you Important to me.

Ruby couldn't resist and leans in for a big hug.

Ruby: Well Alesha, You tell him he has a lot of making up to do.

Alesha looks up at Ruby and smiles bright Eyes open, Silver eyes shining in the sun just like Ruby's

Ruby: Huh Silver Eyes

Qrow and the rest look surprised for different reasons.

Y/N notices

Y/N: Look Me and Qrow will explain later ok, This has been a lot to digest but first of.

He looks at the group with a deadly glare.

Y/N: Right fucking now somebody better explain what happened at Beacon to Lead to Pyrrha's death.

Everybody including Qrow freezes up.

Qrow: We might wan to make a warm campfire first.

Wooo it's getting interesting now, I think I have finally thought of the root I want to go for in this book stay tuned.

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