[🔫] : Perfect Shot.

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Chaeryeong X Taehyun

❝On this dangerous night,it's the love shot

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On this dangerous night,
it's the love shot.❞
-Love Shot, EXO.


"Yes ma'am, target successfully achieved." Chaeryeong speaks into her earpiece as she washes her hands.

She's standing in an old, cramped bathroom stall on the terrace of a club building. Her boss, Jisoo, chose this place because the sound of a gunshot is difficult to hear amongst the loud music.

"Good, leave the space quickly. You know the rest." Jisoo replies back and cuts the call.

Chaeryeong sighs and wipes her gun with a handkerchief after wiping her wet hands.

Settling the gun in her waistband, she picks up her binoculars and takes a last look over the window of that huge penthouse across the street.

The minister's body lay lifeless on the tiled floor, blood oozing out from his head, making her smirk.

What an easy target. She tsks while sliding the scrunchie off her ponytail, letting her red locks flow down her waist. She smudges her eyeliner to get that smokey look and smacks her lips. She sees herself in the mirror - perfect.

With that, she goes downstairs. And she's instantly met with blasting speakers. She winces, blocking one of her ear with her fingers, walking towards the bar far off from the dance floor.

Not many people are there, a group of teenagers who are probably betting the number of alcohols they can drink and a few middle aged men and women.

The red-head takes a seat where there's the least crowd and pulls out her phone, ordering a vodka.

I'm in the Volnost Club, come pick me up asap. She types a message to one of her friends, Ryujin, and clicks 'send'.

"Tell that old hag that I'll not be taking his offer!" She flinches from the loud voice, looks up from her phone to see a blond man, who's talking on his phone, taking a seat beside her.

The person he's talking to replies something Chaeryeong can't decipher, but his next words make her mildly shocked.

"Kai, no matter how much money he puts forward, I'm not going to take the shot he says! Do you even know how difficult that is?!"

Is this what she thinks it is? Probably yes. Talk about the odds.

On my way. Her screen lights up by the text from Ryujin and she swipes it.

"Fuck him and his power. I ain't doing shit for him!" He snarls and hangs up furiously. He then groans and threads his fingers through his hair that fall aimlessly over his forehead.

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