[📞] : Officer, Help! Find Me Love.

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Lia X Soobin

❝Your lonely night—I can fill it with stars, moon and dreams

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Your lonely night—
I can fill it with stars, moon and dreams.
Jab Mila Tu, Vishal Dadlani.


Soobin groans as he throws his head back on his swivel chair, a tired sigh escaping his lips and eyes closing.

"Sleepy?" Jongin asks, making the other open his eyes in a second, putting a coffee mug on his oak table.

"Yeah," a soft yawn follows his words as he glances at the wall clock while picking up his mug.

2:44 AM. Just fifteen minutes for this shift to be over and then he can head home.

"You're tired," the older puts his hand on Soobin's shoulder. "Stop overworking yourself."

He only nods as a reply, not having sufficient energy to talk. It isn't even his shift to begin with. He's here because Jeno had to ‘see’ his boyfriend. All he knows is that his bestfriend is getting some good ass while he's filling his role, like a good police officer.

Jongin doesn't say anything, nobody does at this hour in the station anyways, and leaves Soobin alone.

Soobin closes his eyes for a short nap to help cut the waiting time, wanting nothing but to go home. 

But the very nap and his dreams of sleep shatter with a highly annoying ring of the telephone. He groans loudly, why do civilians think it's a good time to go out and get in a trouble worth calling police for? 

Nevertheless, he glares at the phone and picks it, not letting his irritation show in his words as he speaks, "Hello, Seoul Yongsan Police Station spea—"

"HELP! PLEASE HELP MEEEEE—" A female voice cuts his off and he has to take the telephone a bit away from his ear because of the screeching.

He doesn't know what to do. Jeno should be the one attending emergency calls, not him, it's not his department for fucks sake. "Uh ma'am, calm dow—"

"MY CAR. HE'S IN MY FUCKING CAR—" her voice is sharp as hell and there's terror in it. Soobin's sleep slowly fading as he realises the gravity of the woman's words. "oh mY GOD HE JUST SPOTTED ME! I NEED HELPPPPPPP!! PLEAse savE ME—"

He immediately stands up, holds the phone by pressing it between his ear and shoulder as he collects his essentials, only his reflexes on action. "Can you tell me your location?"

"I'm in the parking lot of Pistil Club—" her voice is shaky when she tells him her whereabouts.

He nods, mentally noting everything she says, also putting on his jacket which was earlier resting on the back of his chair.

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