[⏳] : Letting Go.

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Ryujin X Lia
(ft. Yeji)


❝You are not mine

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You are not mine.
Asal Mein, Darshan Raval.


Ryujin's world collapsed.

People may call it a hyperbole, an exaggeration. But for her — she saw her world crumbling down, like a building amidst earthquake.

Her world? It is the woman standing a few metres away from her, in the park, smiling at someone. Or maybe she was her world at some point of time in her life. She can't tell.

Hesitantly, she takes small, puppy steps towards the huge open entrance of the park, entering it, eyes not leaving her.

Her hands curl into fists because of nervousness as she approaches a certain brunette. The latter doesn't acknowledge that someone is coming at her — is still busy smiling.

"Jisu.." Ryujin's shaky breath and a whisper of her name breaks her trance as she stirs her head towards the direction of the voice.

When Ryujin's eyes meet hers — she is sure her world has fallen down completely. They were the same. The same ones that she left seven years ago.

"R-Ryujin?" Jisu stutters, and the short-haired girl notices her skeptical tone, as if she's hallucinating.

"Yeah, that's my name. Glad you remember it." She smiles, borderline bitter but still soft. "Long time no see."

Jisu clears her throat and looks away. Her perfume lingers in the air around them. It's the same from seven years ago as well. "Mhm, indeed. Long time no see."

"How are you? Fine?" She speaks abruptly, knowing very well that Jisu has gotten awkward.

"Are you fine?" Jisu asks back, one hand going under the other that is curling around the locket which adorns her neck.

"A question's answer is not a question." Ryujin speaks and Jisu chuckles a little.

"Yes, I'm fine. Pretty good actually. Life's been great." She says and is again smiling — maybe looking at the same person again.

Curiosity bubbles inside Ryujin and she follows her gaze — it's the sand area, few feets away. She is gazing at the three children, two boys and one girl, playing with sand.

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