[🎟️] : Titanic, Tears and Tissues.

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Kai X Yuna

❝Love will call you,when it has to

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Love will call you,
when it has to.
-Ishq Bulaava, Sanam Puri.


Yuna has not yet watched Titanic in her twenty years of existence on this planet. Never. Not even a glimpse.

Simply because she never felt like it. Having known that it is a classic - there is no one who isn't familiar with it. She is not one of them.

"There literally isn't any valid reason for you to not like it." Yeojin says as she rummages through the ravenette's closet, trying to find a perfect outfit.

She decided to make Yuna watch it, given that their local multiplex has it 24/7.

"Tell me one reason to like it." Yuna says in a monotone, right arm dangling off her bed.

"Rose is sexy."

Their eyes shoot up to the only male in the room - Taehyun, as he says that, sitting on a beanbag scrolling twitter.

"What?" He shrugs, like he just stated the obvious. "Yeonnie is shit in decision making, you are so gonna regret watching that boring movie."

"You know Tyun speaks nothing but shit," Yeojin utters and picks out the final clothes for her friend. "You won't regret a second."

So that's why here she is - standing in front of the same multiplex, in a blue crop with white denims that hug her long legs perfectly. Her black hair is tied into a high ponytail and a sling bag is thrown round one of her shoulders.

It has a box of tissues. Yeojin had specifically packed them, saying something along the line of you would need them because its emo.

Yuna knows for the sake of God's ass that she won't cry. She's not really that type of person.

That's why she pre-orders nachos and french fries, at least she'll have a nice treat if the movie turns out trash.

She's humming no particular song as she walks to the cinema. And luck seems to be on the opposite side.

Because as soon as she takes the turn, a guy - way too tall - bumps into her. There they are, the nachos flying in the air.

"Yes I'll be- Fuck-" the young lad curses and lowers his phone while Yuna watches her fries flipping and falling on the floor. "-I'm so sorry!"

She says nothing, plain horror painted on her face.

This scares the male even more as he blabbers, "God I'm really sorry I didn't mean to do that, uhm, I, I'll buy you new ones, yea, yea, I'll do that. Can I do that for you?-"

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