1. Strange Feelings & Thoughts

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Hi! My name is Lucy Heartfilia, and I'm a Celestial Mage and Celestial Dragon Slayer. Lately, I've been feeling strange. I have this urge to be around Gray Fullbuster, my friend, constantly, and I don't know why.

I also have this voice telling me that Gray is "mate," but I don't even know what that means. I need some help, so I open my phone and text Natsu.

Lucy: Hey Natsu! Do you have some free time?

Natsu: Sure Luce. What's up?

Lucy: I need to discuss something with you but I need you to come over to my place. Is that cool with you?

Natsu: Sure thing, Luce! I'll be right over.

After, I put my phone away and make sure I unlock my window if Natsu decides to climb through it again.


"Hey, Luce!" Natsu greets me after he climbs in through the window. "What do you need to ask me?" he continues.

"Have you been experiencing anything weird lately towards anyone?" I ask.

"Now that you mention it, I have. Towards Lisanna," Natsu says.

"Do you know why we're experiencing this?" "WAIT! You're experiencing it too?!" He exclaims, surprised. Natsu hangs his mouth open in an O shape.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies," I state while trying to hold back my giggles but failing in the end. "Yeah, you're right though. I've been feeling the need to be around Gray constantly, and my head keeps screaming "MATE" at me." I explain.

He looks at me with an "OOH" face. "I think I know what our problem might be. But, we should talk to Gramps to be sure," Natsu tells me.

"Alright then, let's go," I state, opening my door for him. He complies and walks out with me.

Natsu and I walk to the guild. Well, I balance on the side of the bridge like always while hearing someone say 'Be careful, Miss Lucy!' and I always reply with 'I will!'

We arrive at the guild and go straight to Gramps' office. I knock on his door. "Hey, Gramps. It's me, Lucy, and Natsu." "Come in, my children," he replies.

We walk in and close the door. Gramps puts a lacrima around the room so nobody else can hear our conversation. "What seems to be troubling you?"

I explained our situation to Gramps, ensuring I left no details out. Once I finish explaining, Gramps thinks about what I said for a minute.

"Ah! I know what you guys are going through! It's the first signs of Dragon Mating Season." Gramps explains.

"We're not Dragons though, how does this apply to us?" Natsu asks, confused.

"It's because you guys are Dragon Slayers. You were taught and given your magic from dragons; hence you get everything that comes with it, which includes Mating Season," Gramps explains.

"Ahh, that makes sense. But what do we do now? For one, my mate is never left alone. Juvia is always watching him or around him. 'Plus I really wish she would back off mate!' "Ugh, inner dragon voice please go away now is not the time." I try and clear my head and focus on the conversation at hand.

"How are we going to warn the others, including the other dragon slayers?" I ask.

"Don't worry, child. I have a plan." Gramps says. "Before that, we need to round up all the Dragon Slayers in Fairytail and tell them what's going on," Gramps tells us. "Oh, by the way, we should let Mira or Levy in on what's happening so we can get their help to form a plan. I don't know how long it will be until Dragon Mating Season truly starts, and you guys will eventually loose control of your mind and your bodies." Gramps adds on.

"Alright. Do you want me to go see if Mira or Levy is available, or should I bring them both?" I ask.

"Bring them both," Gramps replies.

I nod my head and open the door. I step out and go down the stairs to look for Levy and Mira.

I find Levy talking with Lisanna and the others. I could sense Gray was nearby, causing my inner dragon to try and get near him, but I controlled it and told myself that I need to stay away from him for his sake. If I let my dragon side win now then things could get out of control and I don't want that to happen.

Hey Levy!" I wave and show her a signal. She gets the call and walks towards me.

"Hey Lu-chan, what's up?" she asks. Levy takes a seat next to me at the table I'm sitting at.

"Master Macarov has something important he needs to tell you and Mira. He's asked me to fetch you two, so he can tell you what he's thinking in his office. Also, don't worry about anyone hearing; there's a lacrima keeping the sound out." I explain.

She opens her mouth in surprise. "Ah, I see. No wonder it's been hushed upstairs." "I'll head upstairs then. Thanks for notifying me, Lu-chan!" She waves and walks off to Gramps' office.

I walk to the bar and see Mira serving a drink to a guild member. I notice she's grinning mischievously; I'll have to get that out of her later.

Once the guild member is served, I greet her. "Hey, Mira! If you're not busy, could I ask you something?"

She smiles, nods, and walks up to me. I walk over to a more secluded spot, so nobody hears us.

"So, what's up?" She asks.

I tell her the same thing I told Levy. I make sure to explain everything and leave nothing out.

She nods in understanding. "I think I get what you're saying. I'll ask Erza to look over the bar for me while we're upstairs." She says and walks over the Erza and asks her to look over the bar. Erza agrees, and we walk back up to Master Makarov's office.

Once we're inside, I let Gramps explain his plan to the girls.

"Alright girls, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Lucy, Natsu, and the other Dragon Slayers have been acting strange lately. I need both of you to have a backup plan in case the main one backfires. I won't explain the plan today, so nobody gets suspicious of us. Instead, I'll tell you four my plan tomorrow. Be here at 6 am, okay?" Gramps explains then asks.

"Aye, SIR!" We all reply in unison. "Haha, we must all be Happy cuz we just sounded like him," I add with a laugh.

The others chuckle. We say goodbye to Gramps for now and that we'll be here on time tomorrow.


I get the others' attention after we leave Gramps' office. "Do you guys want to stay over at my place tonight? We can have some fun and figure out what we're going to do next before seeing Gramps."

"Sure!" They all reply at the same time.

"Then it's settled! I'll see you guys later!" I wave goodbye and head downstairs.

I tell the others I'm leaving.

As I'm about to leave, Gray holds my hand, stopping me. "What's up, Gray?"


A cliffhanger hehehe (inserts raccoon gif here)

Anyways I hope u liked it!
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Tea is out! Peace! :D

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