4. Gray notices Lucy's strange behaviour

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Heyooo, Tea here! Sorry about the long wait for updates. I promise I'll be more active from here on out, though!

Now onto the story.


He brings the mission to Mira for approval while I search for Happy. I spot Happy across the guildhall. I dash over to him, but I run into a taller guy before reaching him.

I lift my head to see who it is and see Gray staring at me. "Are you alright, Lucy?" he asks me with worry in his tone.

I could feel my hands starting to shake as I'm pressed against his chest. My heart rate starts to accelerate, and my dragon keeps calling "mate mate mate." "I must separate from him before he starts noticing my strange behavior. I can't let him see me like this," I think as I release my hands from his chest to free myself; however, Gray keeps a firm hold of my waist.

"Why are you in such a rush to get away from me? Did I do something wrong?" he asks in a worried tone.

"What do I do? He's going to notice something is wrong. I better devise a good excuse, so he won't notice how I'm behaving differently from usual."

I tilt my head up a bit, looking directly into his eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong, Gray, but I'm in a hurry because I'm going on a mission soon, and Natsu, Happy, and I want to make the next train so we can arrive on time. That's why I was in a hurry to get out of your arms," I explain. My heart is beating a mile a minute in nervousness and excitement. I truly want to stay in his arms and never let him go but I know that's my dragon speaking so I'll have to let him go for now.

Gray sighs in relief and releases me. "That's a relief, and I'm glad I didn't do anything wrong to upset you."

I smile and tell him I'll talk to him again soon. I give him another hug then I walk over to  Happy and Natsu. We head out of the guild shortly after.

[La timeskip~]


*Train whistle sounds* "ALL PASSENGERS HEADING TO CROCUS MAY BOARD THE TRAIN NOW!" the conductor states.

I get in front of Luce and try to prep for the scary ride. "Do we have to ride that demon train?"

Luce rolls her eyes at me in annoyance and crosses her arms. "Yes, Natsu. We're getting on that train, and I don't want to hear any complaints, got it?" She gives me a look that makes her look just as fierce as Erza. "Yes, ma'am," I stutter.

She pulls me by the arm in case I try to protest, which I almost did. Once we're inside, we find our seats and sit down.

[Another timeskipp~]
[3 hours later]

Once the train stops, my motion sickness finally goes away. I feel my energy return and quickly get off the train. I kiss the ground and shout, "solid ground! I'm off that horrible train!"

"Knock it off, Natsu. We still need to go to our inn for the night and get settled in. We don't have time for any of your train drama," Lucy states with a visible tickmark on her forehead.

I groan but I don't argue with her any further. 'I definitely don't want to make her angry.'

15 minutes later, we've arrived at the inn and are settled in for the night. I walk over to Luce and sit next to her. "So, how are you holding up with this Dragon season stuff?"

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