5. Juvia thinks something is wrong with love-rival

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A week ago, Juvia noticed something was happening with her love rival. Whenever Gray-sama wants to chat with or tries to touch her (to Juvia's disliking), love-rival quickly runs off like she's avoiding Gray-sama. Why does love rival avoid Juvia's Gray-sama? Something is going on, and Juvia is going to find out!

Juvia walks over to the bar to talk to Mira-san. Juvia sits down on a bar stool and orders her favorite drink. "Mira-san, do you know if something is wrong with love-riv- I mean Lucy-san?" Juvia asks her. Mira-san thinks for a moment before responding. "Yes, I know what's going on with Lucy, but we have to go to a more private spot because not everyone knows about the situation that Lucy is facing." Mira gets up and walks out of the bar, gesturing for me to follow her.

Mira-san and Juvia go up the stairs to a private room. She closes the door and activates a spell so nobody can hear us from outside the door. "I'll tell you what's going on with Lucy, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone else, especially Gray, okay?" Mira asks Juvia. Juvia can tell by Mira-san's speech that this is an important matter.

"Juvia understands. Juvia won't tell anyone, especially Gray-sama." Mira beams a bright smile and nods. Mira-san pulls out an old-looking book and places it on the table. Mira-san opened the book to the first chapter and showed Juvia the book. Juvia read the first paragraph and noticed it was about 'Dragon mating season.'

"Juvia is confused. Why is Mira-san showing Juvia a book about dragons? How does this relate to love-rival?" Juvia asks her. "It's straightforward, Juvia. You know how Lucy is a Celestial Dragon Slayer, right?" Juvia nods in agreement. "Well, Dragon mating season affects Dragon Slayers, and it's affecting Lucy. You've probably seen her avoid Gray too. That's because he's her mate, and she doesn't want her dragon's instincts to do something to Gray that she wouldn't want," Mira-san explains.

Juvia looks at Mira-san, astonished and surprised. "That makes a lot of sense. Juvia thinks she understands the situation now." However, Juvia pouts after realizing that Juvia has to move on from Gray-sama. "This means Juvia has to give up Gray-sama now, right?" Juvia asks her sadly. Mira-san thinks for a moment before answering Juvia. "Yeah, you'd have to give up because once a Dragon Slayer has a mate, nothing is stopping them from being with their mate. Besides, I got a feeling you're a mate for another Dragon Slayer anyways," she winks at Juvia with her 'match-making' look.

"Who does Mira-san think it is?" Juvia asks.

"Well, you didn't hear this from me, but I've seen Lyon pop in and out from here really often since last week, which happens to be the same time as Lucy's behavior changes. I think you're Lyon's mate," she tells me with sparkles in her eyes. "Juvia is Lyon-sama's mate? This makes Juvia so happy!" Juvia exclaims with joy. Juvia is so happy to know that someone else does want her and is willing to give things a try.

Mira-san chuckles at my excitement. "I'm glad you're happy, Juvia! You should go find Lyon and tell him you'll accept him now, so you and Lyon don't have to go through the craze that is 'mating season.'" Juvia nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Mira-san! Juvia will go to Lamia scale and tell Lyon-sama that she'll be his mate and accept his feelings!" Mira-san squeals in excitement and removes the spell so Juvia can leave the room and go to Lyon-sama.

Juvia heads downstairs and looks for Lucy-chan. Juvia sees her in the corner with Natsu, Erza, and Happy. Once Juvia gets to them, Juvia waves and asks to talk to Lucy. "What do you need, Juvia?" Lucy asks with a smile. "Juvia wanted to tell you that we aren't love rivals anymore. Gray is all yours, so go get him, girl!" Juvia giggles and winks at her, causing her to blush and cover her face in shyness. "Wha-- where did you hear I have feelings for Gray?" Lucy asks, stuttering a bit. "Juvia learned all about what Lucy-san is going through, so Juvia understands it now and is rooting for Lucy-san one thousand percent!" Juvia pumps her fist in the air to show Lucy-san her support. Juvia hugs her and then waves goodbye. Juvia heads out of the guild to Lamia Scale so Juvia can tell Lyon-sama how she feels and that she's ready to accept him.


I'm shocked. Juvia stopped calling me love-rival and is giving up Gray. "Did you guys see that?! Juvia didn't call me love-rival and is giving up Gray?!" I state with a shocked look on my face.

"We saw that, Luce. I'm quite surprised since Juvia always called you her love-rival but stopped suddenly. Maybe she fell for someone else," Natsu states with a thinking look on his face. "However, you're free now! You can pursue Gray if you want now!" Natsu adds.

"Natsu, you're forgetting about something." I give him an 'are you kidding me' look cuz he clearly forgot an essential factor here. Natsu looks at me, clueless. "What could I possibly be forgetting?" I facepalm because he's not using his brain here. "Hello? Dragon Slayer mating season is coming up? Do my weird actions whenever I'm near Gray not ring any bells to you?" Natsu has an 'oh yeah' expression after I tell him this info. "Why not tell him about the mating season then?"

I sigh in frustration. "I would, but you already know Gramps doesn't want us to spring this info onto any of our mates. Plus, Gramps will tell them soon. We have to keep our dragons at bay for now."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right, Luce," Natsu agrees. "Of course I'm right! But if you were listening to our conversation with Gramps, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now," I explain with a sigh. "Anyways, let's let this go, for now, okay?" Natsu nods in agreement, and I head off to talk to Levy after saying bye to Natsu.


END OF CHAPTER! Tell me what you thought of this chapter!!
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