6. Juvia confesses to Lyon-sama

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Juvia dashes out of the guild hall to head home and pack to go see Lyon-sama. 'Juvia needs to go see Lyon-sama quickly! Juvia wants to let Lyon-sama know that she wants to accept his feelings and be mates!'

Once Juvia has everything packed for a couple of days, she heads out of her apartment and walks to the train station. Juvia boards a train that will take her to Lamia Scale to see the boy she's starting to have feelings for.


Juvia gets off the train and starts walking towards the guild. 'Should Juvia get a room in an inn first before going to see Lyon-sama? What will Lyon-sama say when he sees Juvia? Juvia hopes he's excited to see her.'

Juvia decides to book a room at an inn before going to see her Lyon-sama. She hopes that it will help calm her nerves before seeing him.

Once the room is all settled and her bags are in the room, Juvia leaves to go to Lamia Scale to see her Lyon-sama.

[Time skip - Juvia arrives at the guild]

'Juvia is so excited to see Lyon-sama! What does Juvia say? Juvia is nervous.' Juvia plays with her hands a bit in nervousness before opening the guild door. Juvia walks in slowly then asks, "Hi, Juvia would like to speak to Lyon-san if he's available."

A girl with bright pink hair in two pigtails walks over to Juvia. She gives Juvia a smile and offers to shake her hand. "Hi Juvia. I'm Sherria and it's so nice to meet you! You can find Lyon over by the bar. I'll lead you to him."

Juvia follows Sherria along until she sees Lyon-sama. Juvia doesn't know why but when she looks at Lyon-sama and he looks at her she feels warm and fuzzy inside. Juvia hears Lyon-sama whisper 'mate' when he sees her. Juvia walks closer to Lyon-sama. 'Okay, Juvia can do this. Juvia is going to talk to Lyon-sama now.'

"Hi Juvia, what brings you to Lamia Scale?" Lyon asks.

"Juv--i-a wanted to t-alk to Lyon-san. Ju-v-ia thinks she has feelings for Ly-on-san," she stutters and gives Lyon a shy gaze.

Lyon's face turns as red as Erza's hair. "Y-ouu like me? You really like me, Juvia?"

Juvia nods. "Juvia likes Lyon-sama very much. She does not like Gray-san anymore and wants to be with Lyon-sama. Will you be Juvia's darling?" Juvia looks at Lyon with puppy eyes and a soft shy gaze.

Lyon pulls Juvia into a warm embrace. "Of course I will, Juvia." He smells her sweet scent and is saying 'mate is mine! Mate is mine!' a few times in his head.

Without pulling from the embrace, Juvia tells Lyon that she learned about dragon mating season and that she's also his mate. Lyon pulls away a little bit in surprise. "How did you learn about that?"

Juvia blushes. "Mira-san told me all about it and that Gray-san is Lucy's mate. Mira-san also told Juvia that she is Lyon-sama's mate and that Juvia should give it a try. Juvia listened and Juvia is so happy that she did! However, Juvia needs a few days before Lyon-sama mates with her. Juvia needs time to prepare." Juvia hides her face in Lyon's chest and goes back to hugging him.

Lyon chuckles at her cuteness. "Of course I'll give you time Juvia. Are you staying here in Fiore though?"

Lyon can feel Juvia nodding her head. "Yeah. Juvia got a room at an inn for a few days. Juvia should be ready to be Lyon-sama's mate after a few days. Lyon-sama can come see Juvia too if Lyon-sama wants to." She whispers the last part but Lyon hears it anyway thanks to his heightened senses.

After a little while, they part from their hug. He looks Juvia in the eyes and gives her a smile before kissing her on the forehead. "I'll see you soon, Juvia." Juvia melts at his actions. "Bye, Lyon my darling."

Juvia walks towards the door and leaves Lamia Scale. Juvia heads towards a restaurant to eat dinner before going back to the inn to rest for the evening.

A/n: That's it for this chapter. :)
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(It's not edited though so I apologize for any grammar mistakes).

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