A loud alarm could be heard form within the quinjets hull and cockpit. The lights that accommodated this siren was a bright red light that alerted the occupants of something. Natasha was the first to awake as the constant ringing and red lights caused her to wake from her sleep. "Computer. Shut off that damn alarm." The system abided and ceased all alarm activity and went back to the quiet plane it was moments before.She moved her head and eyed Steve who was was still sleeping next to her. She smiled and went to get up but was surprised when she saw a blanket covering her. The spy moved her gaze back to Steve but, without much thought, decided it couldn't have been him because he was 'out like a light.' So that left one person. Connor. The spy stood up and moved to the back of the plane in the cargo hull. As she opened the door to the bay she saw Connor sitting in the middle of it sitting crossed legged on the ground.
Natasha was about to call out to him but noticed how relaxed his shoulders were and his breathing seemed very calm. 'He must be asleep.' she thought to herself. 'That's a weird way to sleep though.' Natasha smiled to herself. Reluctantly, she went over and nudged the assassin on the shoulder to wake him up. "Connor. Were about thirty minutes out. You need to wake up." However, Connor didn't budge. She moved closer to him and started to shake his shoulder violently. "Hey! Wake up. Wake up Connor!" He still didn't move.
She crouched down next to him and was about to slap him but she heard him begin to mumble something. Mistaking this as him waking up, Natasha and stood up and turned around about to leave. But Connors voice was getting louder and he spoke in a frantic manner. "No...Stop....Let go...please!" Connors body violently thrashed around and his cries became louder and louder. Steve, who woke up a while ago, walked into the cargo hull and looked over at Natasha who had a worried looked on her face. "Ma'am. What's going on with Connor?" Natasha looked at the voice that called out to her with a confused look on her face which answered his question.
Steve eyed his shield and proceeded to move towards it. Natasha saw what Steve was reaching for and decided to keep Connors attention as best as she could. As the assassin oved in front of him, small traces of green lighting was escaping form his fingertips. Soon, that lighting had surrounded his body and shot out in small sporadic bursts. She also took notice of the tear tracks that covered his face. Natasha moved in front of him and kneeled down to match his eyeline with her own. "Connor, I need you to calm down." Her calls went unheard and the assassin continued to thrash around in a violent manner.
Steve, grabbed his shield and moved to the side of Connor. Each step that the the captain took was careful and precise. He wanted to ensure his own safety while also moving at a pace in hopes of not freaking Connor out.
Natasha moved her hand to his face and caressed his check with her hand. Upon contact, Connor looked up at the spy and Natasha met his gaze once more. This time it was different tho. Where his normal brown colored eyes were, had been replaced by a green lightning. Holy shit. Fury was right. "Connor. Snap out of-"
Suddenly a large expulsion of green lightning shot out of Connor and collided with Steve and Natasha. Steve was quick to recover and charged at assassin. They duo matched each other blow for blow and kick for kick. Each punch that cap would throw at Connor would be evaded or stopped in its path. However, Steve had an upper hand that Connor didn't. Experience. Connor was an experienced assassin but that was for assasination and typically his jobs involved him taking out a target from a distance. Connor was by no means a pushover but compared to the Captain- the old man was certainly more versed in the game.
Steve was able to put Connor in a head lock and tried calming him down. "Listen kid! This isn't you ok? I need you to calm down." The young man was still thrashing in the tight grip that Steve had him in but the captain could tell he was getting weaker. "There you go Connor. Just breathe in and out." Connor was able to subconsciously get his breathing under control and began to calm down with fewer and fewer sparks releasing from him.
A Bleeding Heart
AdventureNormal was all Connor wanted to be. He knew that his life was far from ordinary and trying to act like it was, is just embarrassing. However, when he is introduced to the newest members of S.H.I.EL.D. his life seems to go from borderline normalcy to...