Chapter 19

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But someone was missing......where were you?

That's what Mikey thought as he walked into the church and saw you lying on the floor.
Worry flooded his mind as he ran towards you, you weren't hurt were you? You didn't look hurt.. how could he be so reckless and not check .

"Y/n-chan,are you okay?!" he shook you as you opened your eyes.
"Yes , my shoulder hurts like hell tho" you chuckled as you got up into a sitting position , you still had to do something.

You got up and it hurt less than you would think it would, as you walked with Mikey towards the steps of the church you spotted him .
"Mikey i'll be back okay? One second" you said before walking towards the blond boy.

You tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, he looked confused at first.
"Can i ask you a question?" you said as his friend looked at you doubtfully.

"What?" he quirked a brow.

"Is your surname Seishu?" you asked him as his face showed mixed emotions giving you the answer that you were looking for.

"How do you know that?" he looked at you with shock in his features.

"So you are Akane's little brother?" you said while smiling, Inui and Kokonoi looked beyond shocked.
How did  you know Akane?

"Yes, but how?" he didn't have much words as he was still shocked that someone mentioned his sister after such a long time.

"We were new  friends, i heard about the accident, and i visit her grave sometimes" you said as you looked up at the sky.
"You do look like her, at first i thought it was a coincidence but i saw your scar and so that's how"
You didn't know her that well enough to be in severe sadness from her death but she still lingered in your mind from time to time.

" You are the one who leaves the red roses?" he asked you as you nodded.
"I was wondering who left them there but now i know " he smiled sadly as Kokonoi didn't say anything but just looked at the ground.

"What i wanted to say is that she wouldn't be happy if she saw you like this, you are risking your life for what?  I don't know why you do whatever you do but i can tell you it's not worth your life . Please take care of yourself and just do something less dangerous okay? That would make her happy" you said smiling and gently patted his head.

He was beyond awestruck, you, a person that he was about to punch was now giving him advice about what to do to be happier? You also knew his sister and brought her flowers often.. you were truly kind.
Even after how they treated you you still cared .

"And you should also follow my advice okay?" you smiled to the dark haired male.
"Stay out of trouble bye" you waved as you walked towards Mikey that was looking at you the entire time.

"What were you talking about y/n-chan?" he asked.
"I'll tell you everything later Mikey, can we please go home, my shoulder is killing me" you hugged him tightly as his warmth calmed down your aching nerves.

He gently smiled at you and rubbed your back.
"Yes let's go home y/n-chin" he said as he gave you a piggy back ride towards his bike.


How the days fly, you were treated for your shoulder and spent days in the warmth of your home while your friends visited you often.

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