Chapter 27

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"Hello boys, it seems like you need my help~" your voice said as you stood above a knocked out Kisaki, smiling mockingly down at him. Kakucho widened his eyes at your figure, standing on Kisaki.

Before Kisaki could shoot you had jumped from your hiding spot above a shipment box onto Kisaki's back, swatting his gun away with your leg, saving Izana from being shot to death by him.

"Y/N-CHAN" Takemichi yelled, almost too happy to see you awake and healthy. You stepped onto Kisaki's head with one foot and them crouched to his level, punching him repeatedly on the face.
"You vile piece of shit, tried to kill Emma huh? Well you can't do any of that shit if i'm here" you spat.

Leaving him with a broken nose you got up and noticed that everyone's eyes were on you. Shaking the blood off your hands you headed towards the injured Kakucho, completely ignoring Izana.

Izana and the other Tenjiku members were shocked, they all thought you had been killed by Kisaki as he did say that you were hit full on. Yet here you were aiding one of their friends.

"Well look at who we have here all injured, Kakucho you should have followed my advice you idiot" you sighed before taking your jacket off and using it to apply pressure to his wounded shoulder. He groaned in pain as you kept your form so he wouldn't pass out.

"DID YOU FUCKING IDIOTS CALL AN AMBULANCE OR NOT?? YOU DIPSHITS CALL ONE" you yelled startling the men around you.
Someone grabbed their phone and called one.

"No no, keep your eyes on me" you said tapping his face so he wouldn't lose consciousness .
"It's snowing" he said while a snowflake onto his face, Izana widened his eyes, remembering right away at what Kakucho was reffering to the day they built a snow fort together.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry" he broke down, the realisation kicking in that his only friend was slowly dying.
"Well it's too late for that" you bitterly said while looking at him, he was losing his composure.
"Hina please help me" she rushed towards you and held the jacket down onto Kakucho.

You got up and started running towards a certain blond. He looked at you with wide eyes, was this a dream? That's what he thought but your body immediately hugging him was an answer itself.
"Manjirou" you whispered onto his chest.

"I-i" he couldn't utter a word, he thought you were in a coma..he didn't expect to see you awake this soon.
A tear left his eye as he hugged you tightly, almost scared that you might vanish from his hold , he almost lost you once but that was never going to happen again.

It almost felt like the world stopped for a few seconds, letting the two  of you take in each other's presence, he couldn't stop himself from holding you tight. You looked up at him and smiled.
"I saved Emma and Izana, i did it, now go and talk to him"you ushered him.

He was still shocked but walked towards his broken brother and whispered something to him.
After that he hugged him and surprisingly he hugged Mikey back, feeling some comfort after years.
You smiled at the sight, they made up finally.

You felt someone tapping your shoulder and saw Draken bowing down.
"Thank you for saving Emma , y/n" he said his voice cracking a bit, thinking about how he almost lost the girl he was in love with that easily.

"That was the least i could do and please get up" you placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled .
Draken was eternally grateful to you for almost sacrificing yourself to save her.

"I still have to do something, be back" you said before heading towards some of the Tenjiku members, you searched and found what you needed.
"Who is named Madarame here?" you asked.
"Me, why?" a guy next to the haitani brothers said.

You smiled and walked towards them, your hand reaching into your pocket and grabbing your item.
When your reached them they looked confused, taking your taser out you zapped the three of them slowly, at an almost agonising pace.

"You dare lay a hand on Mistuya and Nahoya again and next time i won't only taze you" you smiled at them, making sure to step on their bodies.
Members from both Toman and Tanjiku sweat dropped, Hakkai and Souta cheering inwardly .

"Who is she?" someone asked.
"She is the invincible Mikey's girlfriend" someone responded. " They are both monsters"
Hearing that you laughed , looking at the two males who said that and they looked away.

When your least expected it Hanma grabbed Kisaki and drove away on his motorcycle. Draken grabbed Takemichi and they both went after them, not letting Kisaki to get away with everything he did. Mikey assured Takemichi that he would take care of Hina so off they went.

You went back towards Kakucho and checked his pulse, it was getting weak .
"Kakucho don't you dare close your eyes" you said.
"Take care of Izana please" he muttered , to everyone's suprise, you softly slapped him on the face. "Huh" Izana and Mikey said in unison.

"I'm not taking care of that dickhead, you better survive baldie" you joked to which you heard sirens pull in, Kakucho chuckling softly.
"Tenjiku Toman you are dismissed!" Mikey yelled as everyone left the premises, leaving you, Mikey,Hina and Izana with other Toman members.

"Guys you can go, i have to go back to the hospital anyway" you said to them which they reluctantly left you and Kakucho to the ambulance.
"I'm sorry.." he said while you were in the ambulance, he looked really pale and also sad.

"You can save that for later" you smiled, holding his hand tightly so he would feel comfort. And he did, something about your hand was comforting and warm, you radiated just positivity, even when your first met him that day at the park.

"Hold on so we can all go to the amusement park together okay? You me Mikey, Izana and the others" you smiled and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Yeah , that would be nice.." he spoke up.


Guys , i did ittt<3
In this story y/n managed to save everyone, did you like it? Be ready for a few more chapters and then the story will be concluded 💘

Love ya


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