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~A/N: wasn't gonna update until tomorrow but thank you all for 1k+ reads! Please enjoy! Xoxo~


What kind of freaky Friday shit is this!? You stared down at the boy laying on the floor, groaning as he held his head in pain. You moved your gaze to Montys body, it was motionless and wrecked.

"Princess...little help..?" The boy reached up, you took his hand, hoisting him up. Your mouth was still agape, processing this situation. "(Y/n)? You alright..?" He stepped forward, caressing your face.

He gasped, looking at his hand in shock. "W-What..-" he stared down at his body, mentally freaking the hell out. "Holy shit!" He yelled, feeling the squishy, warm body.

"Monty...." you mumbled, making him look up at you. "Princess, what happened!?" He asked you. That confirmed it, the animatronic gator was in fact, inside Jordan's body.

You fainted, falling hard onto the floor. "Hey! Princess!?" He bent down, scooping you close to his new weird body. He shook you, never getting a response.

You awoke, bright lights on the ceiling blinding you. "Ngh..where am I..?" You sat up, instantly recognizing it as Montys room. "Beautiful thank God!" Monty ran up to you, slightly shocking you as he embraced you.

"How did this...happen..?" You pulled back, staring into his soft green eyes. "I don't know...I'm just as freaked out as you.. " he released you, staring down at his 18 year old boy body.

This whole situation racked your brain, was the real Jordan dead? How the hell did Monty end up in a humans body? He was just a robot right? Not a soul. "Hey!" A lady bursted into the room, frightening you both.

"You kids get out of here! This area is off limits!" You grabbed Montys hand, running out and past the girl. "(Y/n)! That was Vanessa!" Monty stated. You sighed, continuing to run as you dragged him.

You neared the exit, making Monty stop and yank you backwards. "I-I can't leave, what are you doing..?" He chuckled. You grew irritated, watching as the lady guard grew closer.

"Yes you can!" You grabbed his arm, yanking him out the doors and into the parking lot. Everything seemed to go in slow motion for Monty, the streetlights blinding him as the wind chilled his face.

You both approached Jordan's car, stopping as you turned around to rummage through his pockets. "Woah! Eager to touch me..?" Monty chuckled, watching you pull out the keys in his jeans.

"Get in." You sighed, opening the passenger door for him. He did as told, sitting down in the car as you practically slammed the door.

Monty watched the houses go by, amazed by sights he hasn't seen in what felt like forever. He use to live in a house, it was nice, for the most part.

"Come on.." you huffed, pulling into your empty driveway. Your parents were on vacation with your little brother, not a surprise there..they never took you.

Monty stepped out, taking in his surroundings before you yanked him inside your house. "Cool..do you live here, beautiful?" He asked. You blushed, releasing his hand to shut the door.

"Don't say that...in that form." You blushed harder, not being use to this. Monty shrugged, fiddling with his light brown locks, he scoffed, hating the style.

You walked off upstairs, confusing Monty as he followed close behind. "W-what are you doing!?" You turned to put your hand on his chest. "What are you doing..?~" he smirked, backing you against the wall.

"I'm going to change." You pushed him back, entering your room and slamming the door. "Aw come on, it's nothing I haven't seen before..~" he pleaded outside the door.

This wasn't happening, your human crush and robot crush, fused together!? This was perfect, but it wasn't. You were freaked out, this whole situation couldn't possibly end well. Right??

You undressed, slipping on some comfy sleep wear. "Princess..~" Monty cracked open the door, peaking his head in as you slid your baggy shirt on. He blushed, feeling a tingly sensation down below.

He shut the door quickly, running back downstairs. What the hell was wrong with him? Normally he'd just ravage you right then and there, why did he panic and run? This damn stupid body.

"Monty?" You questioned, coming down the stairs. "Huh!? Y-yes? Princess?" He smiled nervously. You eyed him, approaching him closely. His stomach grumbled, making you giggle lightly.

"What was that!?" He felt his stomach, not having felt this kind of thing in probably decades. "You're hungry silly.." you took his hand, leading him towards the kitchen.

He blushed, watching how your hair rested beautifully against your shoulders and face. (If your hair is super short he just loves the style!) "Want a sandwich?" You asked, releasing his hand to open the cabinets.

You got on your tip toes, unable to reach the peanut butter. "Shit.." you mumbled. Suddenly you felt something against your back, Monty towered over you, reaching up and grabbing the jar.

Jordan's body was 6ft, which was a huge difference from Montys typical 7ft, but still taller than you. His chest pressed against your back, making you blush.

"Here Princess.." he handed you the jar, a hand sliding down your side innocently as he backed up away from you. "T-thanks.." you squeaked, continuing to make the sandwiches.

"Can I have peanut butter and jelly too?" Monty asked, surprising you. You eyed him over your shoulder, "um..sure. it's in the fridge, can you get it?" You asked, spreading the pb on the bread.

He opened the fridge, spotting jelly and grabbing it. He approached from behind you, resting his head on your shoulders as he handed it to you. "M-Monty..." you blushed, nervous.

"Yes, beautiful..?" He questioned, kissing your neck sweetly. You jumped, facing him as you handed him a sandwich. "Here!" You laughed nervously, pushing past him.

Monty eyed the sandwich, basically devouring it in an instant. It was delicious, his tummy felt satisfied, but another part of him didn't.

He followed you, spotting you on the couch eating your meal. "You can sit.." you mumbled nervously, flicking on the TV. He came close, sitting right beside you. You giggled nervously, continuing to eat.

His hand moved slowly, resting on your thigh as he squeezed it. "Mm.." you looked to him as you chewed your food. You swallowed, "Monty...this is so weird to me..it's like, Jordan is doing all this stuff. You understand?" You tried to explain.

The boy shrugged, moving his hand up further and squeezing you there. "So what? You're still mine. We've had sex before, I love you." Your breath hitched in your throat, never thinking he'd ever say that after the fight you two had.

"But I do look like a dork, I wanna change this kids style.." Monty smirked. You blushed, finishing your food and thinking for a moment. "We can fix you up tomorrow, okay?" You smiled.

He leaned in, gripping your thigh harder. "Okay Princess..~" he pecked your lips, slightly disappointing you. Monty held back, wanting to give you time to adjust to everything.

"So where am I sleeping?" He smirked, feeling confident of your answer.

"The floor." You laughed.


Major Malfunction (Monty Gator x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now