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~Full Disclosure; credit for the ideas in this chapter go to Fire_Fox_32. Thank you Bunches!~


You ended up falling asleep after eating, curling up in the passenger seat as Monty drove. The boy side eyed you, smirking at your small sleeping figure.

He ended up going off road, a small dirt path leading off into the woods. "This feels familiar..." he mumbled to himself, the car shaking as it went over potholes and gravel.

Despite this you stayed asleep, mumbling as you dreamt. Monty came to a stop, a small, corroded cabin at the foot of a large lake. "I know this place.. " he turned off the car, stepping out and shutting the door gently.

He approached the structure, the dark wood slightly peeled as the wind blew through the broken windows. You awoke, raising up to rub your eyes.

"Monty..?" You yawned, looking to see him standing outside. "What the hell..." you mumbled, stepping out of the car and walking up to him. "Monty.." you grabbed his arm, spooking him.

"Oh..you're awake, sleep well..?" He smiled, looking back to the old familiar cabin. You silently nodded, following his gaze as you too stared at the small building. You examined it, figuring it use to be so pretty in its glory days.

"Where are we?" You looked to the male again. He shrugged, shaking his head as he looked out the lake. "I don't know, I just..came here? It felt like I should, like I'm so use to it." You smiled weakily at him, caressing his arm.

You both looked out to the lake, the sun making it sparkle and shimmer. "Have you went in yet?" You asked him, slowly stepping forward. "No.." he mumbled, watching you walk up the small rickety steps.

"This is like some fairy- ahh!!" Your feet fell through the wooden porch, slicing a part of your expose ankle. "Princess!?" Monty ran up, grabbing your waist securely. "It's okay, shhh." He attempted to silence your small cries.

He knelt down, prying the wood up and breaking it to free you. "Come here baby.." he hoisted you up, carrying you bridal style. "Shit..it hurts." You groaned, blood dripping down your shoe. He ran back over to the car, setting you in the passenger seat.

"W-what are you doing..?" You whimpered, watching as he went to the trunk and opened it. "Shh princess, I'm gonna make the pain stop a little bit.." he approached you again, kneeling with a first aid kit in hand.

You cocked a brow in confusion, knowing full well that you didn't pack that, did he? "I stole it from the motel.." he mumbled guiltily, answering your question. He applied some alcohol, letting it enter your wound and burn like hell.

"Ahhh!-" He covered your mouth, shushing you in fear of people being close by. "It's almost done baby.. it has to be clean.." he reassured you, continuing to pour the substance until it stopped feeling like fire eating your skin.

You leaned back in relief, feeling as he wrapped some cloth around your ankle. "This will protect it, don't worry..I'll make sure it doesn't get infected." He kept whispering sweet things to you, securing the material as he stood back up.

"All better?" He chuckled to you, leaning down and pecking your forehead. You blushed, and suddenly the pain wasn't so bad anymore.

You had both decided to set up 'camp', sleeping in the rather comfortable car under the bright night stars. "Monty..?' You looked to him, he just continued to stare at the cabin as he hummed in response.

"Why did you come here? Do you know?" You wondered, being very curious as you scanned his handsome features. "I think I use to come here.." he whispered, loud enough for only you to hear.

How had he come here before? Wasn't he just a robot a week ago? Were you missing something? "I think..I use to be like you.." he finally looked at you, eyes serious and conflicted. "I wasn't always..." he hesitated, staring toward the lake now.

You reached up, grabbing his face gently. "Wasn't always what..?" You asked sweetly, trying to help him through his dilemma.

He blushed at the touch, looking into your eyes. "I wasn't always a robot, I was once a human.. " he admitted, making your face flush. How was that possible? How was he once a human, when he was just a robot..?

Monty grabbed your hands, smirking at you. "You look so beautiful right now.." he made you blush, realizing the position you were in with your faces meters apart. "T-thank you.." you giggled nervously, making him chuckle.

"Say it.." he pleaded, making you look at him confused. "Just..tell me you love me, please.." he gripped your hands, lingering on every breath you took. "Monty, I-" he yanked you forward, making you straddle him in the driver seat.

You winced at your ankle, blushing madly as you stared down at him. "Please.." he begged, hands going up your shirt to rub your sides. You thought for a moment, wondering If what you felt all along was love for him.

"Monty, I..love you." You mumbled shyly, his grip on you changing.

"That's all I needed to here.." he growled, kissing your lips roughly.


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