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~A/N: hear me out, I'm not crazy...just ✨productive✨. Anyways I'm sorry if you want lemon it'll be next chapter, rn I'm trying to fill some plot holes! Love you! Xoxo~


Just as you said Monty had slept on the floor, not expecting to wake up in so much pain. "Ngh, my fucking back!" He groaned. You giggled, stifling your laugh with your hand.

"Whats so fucking funny!?" He snapped at you, standing up. "Human bodies aren't meant to sleep on floors, you need a softer surface." You stretched, exposing your belly button.

He blushed, looking away irritated. "Well you made me sleep there, asshole." He scoffed, going out of your room and down the stairs. "Hey!" You shouted after him, running down as well.

"I'm starving! Make me something princess..." He turned to you, making you blush lightly. You crossed your arms, "boy I'm not your maid, come on I'll teach you." He groaned, letting you drag him into the kitchen.

You ate the pancakes, amazed at how well he did. He watched you eat, having already finished his. "What are you looking at..?" You muffled. He smirked, leaning in closely. "Just imagining bending you over this counter..~" you nearly choked.

"Shut up!" You huffed, placing your plate in the sink. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "So fiery this morning..I love it~" he whispered into your ear. You pulled away, rushing to your room.

He quickly ran after you, scaring you slightly. "Monty stop!" You screamed, barely reaching your room before he tackled you. "Gotcha!" He straddled you, hands above your head. "G-get off.." you mumbled.

"Sorry what was that baby..? I didn't hear you.." he teased. You brought your knee up, hitting him where the sun don't shine. "GAH! FUCK!" He rolled off you, cradling himself on the floor.

"I said get off" You laughed, entering your room and shutting the door. "Ngh..." he whimpered, shedding a singular tear. As a robot he never had to experience this type of pain, so it was all new and extra painful.

You stepped out, all dressed up and ready to go. He looked you up and down, blushing at your oversized hoodie and ripped jeans. "Come on dummy, I found some clothes that might fit you." He struggled to stand, making you laugh.

"Shut it!" He snapped, cradling himself as he waddled into your room to get dressed.

You sat on the couch, waiting for him to get ready, it was taking longer than it should have. He better not be snooping or wrecking anything, "done." He sighed from behind you on the stairs.

"Good, let's-" you froze. Your baggy sweatpants had fit him perfectly, along with a larger black tank top you had found. You never noticed how toned Jordan's body was, this felt so messed up.

You coughed, slipping on your shoes and heading toward the door. "We are going shopping." He cocked a brow, approaching you. "You said you wanted to change...this" you gestured to him. "Well we can, let's go." He shrugged, smiling at you.

He borrowed a pair of your dads shoes, stepping outside with you. "(Y/n)!!!" You halted, sucking in a breath. "...Grace..." you smiled, turning to your friend.

Grace looks like this;

The girl squealed, approaching and embracing you

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The girl squealed, approaching and embracing you. "Hey!! Figured I'd grace you with my presence...get it? Anyways-" she looked to Monty, who was just standing there admiring the outside.

"Hubba hubba, whose the hotty?" She whispered. Thank God Grace was Homeschooled, otherwise she'd know him as Jordan. "Um, Monty. That's Monty.." you sighed.

The boy perked up, looking over at you and approaching. "We going now princess?" He stated without hesitation. "Princess!?" Grace gasped, she only ever heard that in fanfics she read.

"Yep!" You grabbed Monty, pulling him towards the car. "Hey, your parents buy a new car..?" She pointed to the Honda. You sweated, shoving Monty into the passenger seat. "Yes. Bye Grace!" You waved, getting into the car and quickly pulling off.

You huffed, hands gripping the steering wheel so hard your knuckles were white. "Beautiful..?" Monty said, sliding a hand onto your thigh. This whole situation was stressing you out, surely Jordan's family was looking for him, would you be arrested for kidnapping!? Murder!?

"I'm fine." You simply stated, continuing to drive.

Monty held your hand, entering the mall with you. "So, what's this place?" He asked. "It's a mall, a big building with multiple little stores." You smiled weakily, leading him to a clothing store.

'Hot topic' yea, Monty would like this. "Cool!" He ran over to a few shirts, already racking up a bill. But that didn't matter, Daddy left his credit card.

As soon as Monty finished perusing for clothes you moved over to a beauty salon, paying for him to get done whatever he wanted. "What you want sweetie?" The hairdresser asked him, making him sit down.

He looked over to you, confused as all hell. "Um..just dye it his favorite colors." You smiled to the woman. She was puzzled, but nonetheless did what you payed her to do.

"You like it sugar?" The lady spun him around, letting him see himself. "Woah! Way less dorky! Look baby!" He called over to you, making you blush in embarrassment. "Y-yea!" You giggled, giving a thumbs up.

You both continued walking around the mall, stopping here and there for things he wanted and things you liked. "Thanks princess.." he pecked your head, holding your hand tighter.

"Mhm, of course Monty.." you smiled, looking to your feet as you walked. "Hey there handsome!" A Voice called over, coming from a group of girls across the way.

You both looked at them in confusion, Monty holding you closer. "Ditch that bum and come with us~" She waved, flashing her pearly whites. Monty scoffed, meanwhile you kept trying to pull him away.

"Whats that suppose to mean??" He approached the girls, towering over them. "Um, that your hot and she's not..." the girls all giggled. Monty clenched his fists, growing furious. "You're the ugly one..(y/n) is gorgeous, funny and amazing. You're just a skank." You gasped, grabbing onto Monty.

"Sorry about him! He's just mean." You waved them off, quickly dragging him away. The girls stood there, bawling their eyes out.

"What you did back there was terrible Monty!" You scolded him, sorting away his new clothes into your drawer. "What? They were disrespecting my princess..I can't allow that." He snaked his arms around you.

Monty looks like this now!;

You stifled a laugh, not wanting to admit how well he took up for you

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You stifled a laugh, not wanting to admit how well he took up for you. Not just any guy would do that, but Monty would. "Thank you.." you turned to face him.

"Anytime, Beautiful.." he kissed your lips.


A/N; I'd like to clarify that I headcannon Monty being darker skinned, but I had already made Jordan lighter skinned? I feel stupid, but I hope you guys liked it! Xoxo

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