New Job

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"Alright y/n, so the job here is pretty easy. In fact considering you have the night shift and don't have to really deal with anyone you probably have the easiest job here. Basically you'll spend a lot of time in here" The man who is now you're new boss motioned to the room you both stood in, it was pretty small and had many screens perched before a desk that allowed you to see every room within the building, before he continued on speaking. "You'll watch the cameras and keep an eye on the building at night from 12-6am. Of course you are free to roam around in fact it's kinda preferable so you can check on the staff bots and the glamrocks. Just normal maintenance really. For the staff bots you really only need to use the tablet that's on the desk over there however the glamrocks will require you to take them to the repair room beneath the stage only if the tablet detects anything amiss. Other than that just walk around and parole now and then and just keep an eye on the building. Simple and easy."

Your boss finally quit talking and looked at you waiting for a response. You took a moment to process everything and look around. You finally did it. You finally had a job. One step closer to freedom....

Finally you met your bosses gaze and smiled, "thank you sir I will put in my best effort to watch over this place..."

"Honestly I'm glad you applied. I was getting worried that we wouldn't have a night gaurd for the new grand opening of this place after the incident here three years ago... im hoping the second time around will go better. I'd hate to have to close again..."

Ah yes "the incident" you thought. Three years ago children started to disappear here and turns out it was the security gaurd. But something happened and she's dead now but the animatronics took damage and systems were hacked and bodies were hidden around so they had to shut down and repair.

But tomorrow they would reopen. You pondered staying around to witness it but you'd wait and see how you felt later.

"I mean im grateful you accepted me to work here, im sure it helped that im good with mechanical work" you joked.

But truly you were grateful. This gave you an opportunity to make enough money to get away from the life you were currently stuck living. And it gave you am opportunity to save your daughter from growing up in such a toxic environment...

You smiled thinking of your little three year old. Your only reason for still being alive...

"It's definitely a plus" your boss smiled, "anyways I will see you later, call me if you need anything. Have a good night y/n" the dark haired man waved and walked away rushing to get home and rest for the big day.

You huffed to yourself and scanned the room walking up the the multiple screens lined up against the wall all at an angle for you to easily scan if you were to sit down. You looked at them watching one of them to see your boss leave locking the doors behind him. Scanning the rest of the screens you saw nothing suspicious or weird and grabbed the iPad. You figured you'd explore the building more thoroughly and do the things your boss mentioned doing. You really should try to remember his name at some point.

Some time passed as You scanned the staff bots, the tablet checking off each one after scanning and after you scanned all of them (even getting a map from one of the bots) you managed to learn you're way around the building. You were a quick learner after all and you memorized things easily as you were also very observant in your surroundings.

The only thing you had to do now was check on the animatronics.

You didn't really think much of it. They were just robots after all.

You made you're way to the area where the animatronics rooms were located, having taken note of them during your exploring.

You briefly wondered if they were even active yet. Or perhaps maybe they were shut off during the night.

Light In The Darnkness (Glamrock Freddy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now