Scheduled Maintenance

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Tonight's shift would suck. You wouldn't have the Glamrocks for company tonight, it would be you and the staff bots. Of course tonight they had to have maintenance done and not any of the three nights you had actively avoided them.

This time you avoided the security office. You avoided stuff a lot you realized.

You knew you had to go in there eventually, it was apart of your job and you had to get the tablet. But you were alone and scared. What if something happened again? You couldn't go to Freddy or the others this time.

"Ugh... This really sucks" you said to the wet floor sign bot that you sat next to on the cold floor.

It looked at you. And you put and arm over it looking up at the ceiling.

"Why do all of them need to be shut off? Couldn't at least one of them be here with me?"

More silence from the wet floor sign.

"I mean no offense. Your cute and all but you can't really protect me. And I just have a really bad feeling. That or it's anxiety I really can never tell the difference at this point."


"I wish you could talk..." you muttered poking the sign.

You finally stood up with a heavy sigh. You didn't even have a gun. Or tazer. Or knife even. Actually thats kinda strange now that you think about it. Don't most security gaurds have some form of defense? What if something bad were to Actually happened? Were you just expected to use your hands?

From personal experience you knew that using your hands never went well. You weren't exactly built for fighting.

You shrugged. You didn't exactly crave death by any means but you wouldn't be to worried if you were to die. Just scared of the thought of what happens after. All you really had was your daughter.

And the glamrocks.

Shit maybe you would care if you were to die.

See this is why you need company. Being alone allows for your thoughts to get real dark real quick.

Slowly you made your way to the office.

A small wet floor sign following loosely behind you without you noticing.

You opened the door and stepped inside the office. All seemed clear. Giving the cameras a quick scan and then grabbing the tablet you rushed out of there and did your regular patrole. You took your time this time around, beings you wouldn't have any distractions tonight.

The wet floor sign still not to far behind you as you scanned the staff bots.

Remember when you said you observant?

Taking as long as you could you finished up the scans and did your patrole. You managed to stretch it out to 3am.

Now what though?

You should of talked to the floor sign some more.

If Freddy had saw tonight and how you've been acting. you just know he'd most definitely tease you about it. You probably looked insane on the cameras.

Well.. not to say you weren't insane but you didn't try to make it as obvious as you were.

Your only option was to go back to the office. You didn't have to do anything else really.

"Uuuugh. Hope I don't die!" You shouted into the empty building.

You mosey your way back and head inside. Leaving the door wide open should anything happen.

The little floor sign watched from a distance outside the door. Like a little guardian.

But of course you still had not noticed the damn thing.

You sat down on the chair and scanned the screens. Your eyes drifted to the screen of the mainstage. But this time there was no animatronics to spy on.

The night went on ever so slowly.

You ended up drifting asleep but woke up to static.

Oh no.

You quickly lifted your head upon processing the sound. The room was dark! The door was shut and the screens were a purple static illuminating the room in purple.

You sprung out if the chair and to the door. You fumbled and yanked at the door know but it didn't budge.

Your anxiety spiked up. Your heart rate and breathing picking up a rapid pace. You looked around the room but there was no sign of anyone being in there with you.

You found it hard to breath. You didn't do to well with being trapped in dark places and the light would not turn on.

The static was only getting louder.

You slid down to the ground and covered your ears.

"Help..." you whimperd, praying for someone to come find you.

But you knew you were alone.

You wished Freddy was there.

He'll even Monty would be great at this point.

"Y-_y/n" you heard that raspy voice from before. But this time it sounded glitchy.

You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to ignore the voice.

"Y/n... let me in... I can help you. I can stop him from hurting you... and you can be happy with your friends."

The voice sounded incredibly close. Too close. Like it was in your head! And it kept glitching. It terrified you.

But... it said it could help you?

Your mind began to fog out and your hands lowered and you opened your eyes. They were dazed and your found it hard to concentrate on thought.

"That's it... don't resist it... all you have to do is let me in and I can save you..."

No one could save you this time.

Eventually your mind went dark and your eyes had a purple glow around them. You were no longer in control of your body.

'You' stood up and this time the door opened. 'You' walked, well more like limped through the building. A destination was in mind. But not your mind.

A small wet floor sign followed you still. But this time it rushed in front of you to make itself know.

You barely spared it a glance.

It tried again but this time you didn't stop in time and tripped over the sign.

Unfortunately for you the sign managed to trip you at an escalator and you tumbled down pretty hard.

The signs white eyes turned red to symbolize and emergency and it rushed away.

Light In The Darnkness (Glamrock Freddy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now