Maybe just a dream?

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(Edit: I forgot to add the picture aughhh it's y/n reflection lol)

"Y/n are you ok? Why did you leave the room? Why did you you collapse?" Freddy bombarded you with questions, worry etched all over his face as he scanned you and your vitals.

But you were just a confused mess. All you remember was the mirror and hallucinating your reflection changing. You don't know how you got to the entrance.

This was just further proving your craziness.

"Y/n answer me..." Freddy begged not liking your silence.

He didn't want to overwhelm you or rush you but he was worried.

"I don't know Freddy..." you finally replied.

Your body was sore again and your head hurt. You were very thirsty for some reason too.

"You don't know..?" Freddy questioned.

"No... I remember being in your room and I'm here?"

You finally took noticed that Freddy was sitting down on his knees and had your limp form in his arms close to his own body to support your head. He said you collapsed so he must have rushed over to wake you up.

"Did you sleepwalk perhaps?" It was the only thing he could think of.

You didn't believe that being a possibility. You swear that the mirror thing happened and that you hadn't fallen asleep...

But maybe you did and it was a really vivid nightmare.

It'd make sense since all you had lately was nightmares.

"Maybe..." you muttered.

Freddy made a grumbling noise, causing his chest to vibrate against you. Then without a word he stood up and pulled you with him. He kept his arms around you though, one on your waist and the other on your arm.

"Are you okay to walk y/n?" He asked after giving you a moment to balance on your feet.

You wanted to say yes but your body felt like jelly. Regardless you were stubborn and nodded and when Freddy let go of you, you tried to take a step.

Your legs gave out and he grabbed your waist again chuckling to himself.

"Liar." He joked and then picked you up into his arms bridal style.

You were blushing furiously but smiled. "I had to at least try.."

He took you back to his room and set you down on the couch gently. Then he stepped back and kinda stared at you for a minute making you squirm under his gaze.

You fidgeted with your hands and avoided eye contact with the bear.

Then you heard him give am exasperated sigh as he stepped away. You looked up and could see a troubled expression on his face.

"Whats wrong?" You asked him.

His eyes widened "n-nothing Superstar. just gave me a bit of a scare is all" He stutterd and fidgeted with his bow tie.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. You didn't really do anything wrong. Plus you seem fine so it's better than the last few times I've seen you unconscious." He gave you a reasurring smile and sat next to you.

"Very true."

"Although it seems like I can't leave you alone or something happens."

You laugh "yeah seems like it huh. I'm sure I'll be fine though. Maybe it's just stress."

Light In The Darnkness (Glamrock Freddy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now