Epilogue: A New Start

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You pulled up to your designated parking spot at the pizzplex. Stepping out of your car you were dressed up in your security gaurd outfit with a name tag pinned onto the shirt. The words reading: y/n l/n General Manager.

That's right. You had a higher position at the pizzplex, able to do almost any shift but you preferred to keep your night shift. Afterall it was the easiest way to be around your friends and Freddy without any one around.

It's been over a year now since you almost died and William disappeared with James's body. His body was yet to be found though. So you only assumed William hid it pretty well.

You didn't think he was gone.

You had a bad feeling about him, and surely he'd show his face again one day.

But for now you'd enjoy the peace of your new and free life.

Unfortunately you were haunted by the fact that you killed someone. But you reminded yourself he deserved it. He would of ruined another girls life. He almost ended yours. Besides you couldn't take it back. It was done an over with, you had to move on.

You had gotten a new apartment with your daughters, as promised tou got one near the pizzaplex and she was able to come here nearly everyday.

Freddy and the others were always happy to see her.

Especially Monty who was basically her uncle at this point. As she literally called him uncle Monty.

You have no idea why but you think he told her to call him that.

You remembered how happy and relieved they were to see you after you had healed and come back to work.

Freddy literally assaulted you with kisses and Monty nearly put you back in the hospital with his hug.

Chica and Roxy too actually as their hugs were just as deadly.

And they would not let you do your actual job. They Did it for you while they just had you relax.

You absolutely loved them.

Walking into the pizzaplex you were greeted by a nervous looking Monty.

"Sunshine! Your here!"

"Mhm, I come here almost every night Monty.." you raised a brow at him.

"Y-yeah I know. But uhm Freddy needs your help.."

Why was he so nervous?

"Okay? Where is he? Whats wrong?"

"Just... follow me sunshine." Monty grabbed your wrist not waiting for a response and pulled you with him.

He pulled you into what was the dance floor, but it was really dark for some reason.

"Hmm...Monty what are you doing?" He was acting suspicious.

"Look Freddy was around here somewhere ok.."

You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out when you nearly shit yourself as the lights flickered on. Your other three friends (and well boyfriend) jumped out from their hiding spots and shouted happy birthday while at the same time the dj man had popped out of a hole and started playing a more rock version of the happy birthday song.

How the fuck did they find out? Youd definitely never told- oh right. Freddy saw everything on your phone.

You put a hand to your chest, urging your heart to calm down.

But even though they scared the shit out of you, you still couldn't hold back the smile.

They were so sweet.

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