The floor sign stayed next to your unconscious form at the bottom the escalator, it had tried to find help but was unsecssful. In its defense though it didn't really have the capability to do much. So instead it just stayed next you flashing its red lights.
The signs red flashing was to indicate an emergency or accident and it would ping the 4 animatronics or a human staff member but you were the only human around and the glamrocks weren't scheduled to wake up till 5am.
So you were unconscious for a good hour, a huge bleeding cut on your head and a few scrapes on you arms and legs. It was a very ungraceful fall and those escalator steps were not a pleasant landing. neither was the tile floor.
Once the glamrocks woke up though, a red line with the word emergency flashed in their eyes repeatedly as soon as they opened their eyes. They each exited their rooms looking amongst eachother confused.
"Do you guys see the emergency alert?" Monty asked.
Freddy and the other nodded.
"It's 5am, the only person here should be y/n..." Freddy said his voice was laced with worry. If something bad happened... the thought made his chest hurt. Don't ask him how he didn't know, but it was there.
The others expressions went sour at the thought of something bad happening to you.
The only time bots ping for an emergency is when a human is involved, if another bot is broken or if there was a break in. Which should be impossible considering at 12:30am the doors all got blocked off.
Either way the glamrocks were worried and all went their separate ways to search the building, worried they'd find you hurt.
And they did.. well...Freddy found you at least, er.. more so he saw the flashing red of the wet floor sign and he quickly stomped over to your small form. His eyes widen upon seeing you unconscious for the second time now. Except this was worse than last time. You had hit your head pretty hard, blood literally soaked you hair.
Thankfully it had slowed down and doing a quick scan he could see you were still alive.
He gently lifted you into his arms and sent a ping to others indicating the emergency was handled and the wet floor sign went back to normal. It still followed you... or well Freddy technically.
Freddy's pace was quick to head to the first aid station but he was careful not to jostle you around too much. He felt guilty knowing you had gotten hurt and he wasn't able to help you. It was because of a performance malfunction that they all had to have some maintenance done.
But based on the amount of blood he'd guessed you'd been hurt for a while. Which made him feel even worse, knowing you had been alone and could of easily died had the fall been worse than it was. He wondered how you had fallen in the first place.
His glowing eyes looked down at you, and he let out a guttural growl. He didn't like seeing you hurt. He didn't like how fragile you were compared to him and the other glamrocks.
Upon reaching the first aid station he set you down on the little cot like bed from the first time you got hurt. He did a thorough scan this time, he could see multiple points of injury but the major one was the cut on your head. It didn't seem like it would have any long term affects fortunately.
Ironically the gash was in the same place as last time, indicating you managed to hit your head in the same spot as before. So basically it had reopened and was worse and bigger than before.
He cleaned your face to the best of his ability with damp rag this time, he couldn't really do anything about the blood in your hair or clothes though.

Light In The Darnkness (Glamrock Freddy X Reader)
FanfictionDesperat to escape an abusive relationship and save her and her daughters future, y/n takes an opportunity to get an easy high paying job as a nightgaurd at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex so as to make enough money to be able to afford a new life aw...