Grand Re-opening

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(Quick I'd like to mention that the video above is the tune that is played in this chapter.. however I cannot seem to find anything that I think freddy would sing so im not gonna put any lyrics in the story. If you guys wanna share what you would imagine him to sing lemme know ill gladly listen)

*y/d/n = your daughters name*

It was 4:30am, the end of your shift not too far now and you were kinda bored. You didn't mind the peace and quiet but all the games on your phone got boring.

You sat there watching the cameras you eyes drifted often to the camera that showed the rooms of the glamrocks. You noticed there was no screens that showed the inside of the rooms so you guessed that they never put any in there.

But thinking back you realized something about the animatronics... that being, they seemed so human like. They seemed to have they're own thoughts and even feelings. Of course you only met them once but when you spoke to them it didn't feel like you were talking to robots.

The sound of your phone ringing brought you out of your thoughts and you answered the phone quickly upon seeing it was your boss.

"Hello sir?"

"Y/n! How's your night been? Good I hope."

"Yup just as you said it's easy."

"Good good. Glad to hear it. Listen I know your shift is almost done and it's only your first night here but I was wondering if you could do me a favor?"

You were quiet for second. If his favor took long than You didn't really have anything going on later and Riley would probably be fine holding onto y/d/n for a bit longer..."What is it?"

"It's really easy, I simply need for you to clean the animatronics and help them get there instruments set up on stage and just do another check up on them maybe even have them do a practice song. The security office your in has an intercom that will allow you to instruct them to head anywhere or you can just go get them. Do you think you can do that?"

You hesitated but gave in "No problem."

The job sounded easy enough. But what made you hesitate was that the animatronics might not like seeing you again. You shrugged it off though. You're just doing your job so they'll have to suck it up.

You and your boss said goodbye and hung up and checking the time seeing it was 4:41. You stood up and decided you'd go get them yourself, as they may ignore you over the intercom.

Just as before you went to each room, except this time they were actually in their own rooms and they begrudgingly followed your instructions to head to the main stage.
Once again though at Freddy's room you were ignored and you had to go in uninvited.

Entering his room he this time sat at his vanity and his Chair was turned to face you his head slightly tilted and eyes slanted in a glare.

"Sorry I know I said I wouldn't bother you guys too much but I've been instructed to get you guys set up for the grand re opening.... so uh.. I need you to come to the main stage."

"Ah, I see. I shall follow you there then." He stood up and stomped his way over to you and the two of you headed to the main stage.

It was... silent and awkward. He walked behind you and You felt his eyes watching you. Soon though you met up with the others and they all looked at you and Freddy. However you were quickly ignored as they rushed up to greet Freddy.

"Freddy man it so good to see you!" Monty exlaimed grapping the besrs shoulders.

"Do you hate us..?" Chica asked approaching him with her head hung low.

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